xvii. darach

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"the human mind is the most dangerous weapon."


Isaac admired her beauty as the thunder boomed over them. The yellow school bus was full with lacrosse and track members who had a meet at the same school.

If the gloomy weather was any indication, then it was clear that something horrible was going to happen.

"Stop thinking about it, man." Isaac said, slightly startling Alora as she sat up all the way, lifting her head from his shoulder.

"What, you're not thinking about it, too?" Boyd asked from his seat next to theirs on the opposite side of the aisle.

"We'll both stop thinking about it." Isaac finalized.

Alora slightly winced in pain as she shuffled in her spot. The fight left her ribs bruised and her body sore.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the back with Scott and Stiles. I think my cuts are bleeding again." Alora gently told Isaac, who immediately held concern for her.

"Want me to come?" Isaac offered. "At least until you walk past the devil twin next to Danny?"

She slightly laughed and gave him a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. "He won't try anything here."

A deep blush spread across his cheeks as he smiled at her.

Alora carefully got up so coach wouldn't notice and went to the very back, where Scott and Stiles made room for her between them.

"Stiles, can you get your first aid out? My cuts are being a real bitch." She slightly moved to get more comfortable.

"I told you it would come in handy one day!" Stiles rubbed it in her face.

"It's still a nerd kit."

"Shut up."

Alora pulled out a few bandages and began to patch her irritated wounds as Stiles went over vocabulary for the PSAT's coming up soon.

Stiles snapped to get Scott's attention. He was leaning against the window looking slightly drowsy.

"Yo, Scotty, you still with me?" Stiles questioned his best friend.

The boy scratched his eyebrow and nodded. "Yeah, sorry. What's the word?"

"'Anachronism.'" Stiles read from the iPad.

Alora pulled her shirt up, exposing her stomach and part of her sports bra. Her body was littered with purple and yellow bruises while she had a large, deep cut going diagonally across her left ribcage. The bandages kept getting soaked with blood every time she made too sharp of a movement.

"Something that exists out of its normal time." Scott replied with the definition as Stiles noticed the extreme damage done to her body.

"Woah, Alora." Stiles gently ran his hand down the bruises. "Are you sure you're okay? Shouldn't you have stitches for that?"

Alora slapped her hand over his mouth and looked over at Isaac's seat.

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