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TW: substance abuse, emetophobia

jeremiah and avalon got back to the house. they quickly ran inside to find out what happened.

steven pulled them into the living room. he put his finger over his mouth, telling them to be quiet. the mom's were upstairs sleeping.

conrad and taylor were standing above mateo. he was passed out on the floor. he had blood stains all over him. he reeked of alcohol.

avalon fell down to the floor and covered her mouth with her hand. she tried not to cry.

all the memories came flooding back. she remembered all the times she would find her dad looking just like this. she was so young, but she would always remember.

"what the fuck happened?!" she whimpered.

jeremiah sat down next to her to comfort her. she fell right into his arms. she cried and cried.

all she wanted was for her brother not to end up like their dad. she had so much hope that he would stay sober. she was so mad at herself for falling for it just like she always did.

her dad would do the same thing. he'd get sober for awhile which would give them hope, then he'd mess it all up again. now her brother was falling into the same pattern.

"steven we need answers!" jeremiah begged, while holding avalon tight.

"i- i don't know man. i just overheard some guys yelling and i went to see what it was, and i saw him and some other guys fighting." he explained.

"fighting? it looks like they tried to kill him!" avalon continued panicking.

"did he have any alcohol?" taylor asked.

"last time i talked to him he was completely sober. i don't know what happened!" steven put his hands on his head and closed his eyes.

"we gotta wake one of the mom's up." jeremiah suggested.

"no we can't!" avalon cried, "fiona will kick him out again."

"maybe it would be for the best." conrad stated.

"shut up man!" steven punched his shoulder.

"what?! they shouldn't have to deal with his shit!" he shouted.

"conrad be quiet!" jeremiah whisper-yelled.

"yeah dude shut the fuck up!" steven rolled his eyes.

"i'm not doing this." he walked away and went upstairs to his room.

nobody knew what had gotten into conrad. he was always one of mateo's best friends. they always had each others back.

"wait, where's belly?" taylor looked around the room.

"did she not get home with cam?" steven asked.

taylor nodded her head no.

"shit! okay i'll call belly and see what's up, you three help mateo. i'll be back." steven ran out of the room to call belly.

"steven, wait!" taylor tried to get his attention. "we don't even know how long he's been like this!"

jeremiah sighed and carefully lifted avalon off of him so he could check on mateo. he checked his pulse, then tried waking him up. he repeated his name over and over and patted his face.

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