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I wake up from my peaceful slumber to my alarm blaring in my ear. 

I roll over to turn it off and I fall off my bed, face-first onto the floor.

"Ah fuck!" I whisper shout.

My alarm is still going off, but I really don't feel like getting off the ground. Maybe I can try to drown out the sound by forcing myself to fall back asleep.

Right as I go to reposition my arms, my mom busts through my door, yelling at me to turn my alarm off. 

Before I turn off my alarm, I go to glare at her, but I end up scaring myself because she has a thick green face mask on and her hair is pulled back by hair curlers.

"Am I seeing things or are you doing skincare at 1:30 in the morning?" 

"I couldn't sleep and I needed to do something to distract myself." She comes and sits on the edge of my bed and fidgets with the ends of my blanket. 

I don't get up from the floor, but I do pull myself into a sitting position.

"You should get yourself ready and I'll cook you breakfast," She gets up and walks out of my room as fast as she came.

I don't know why she made such an effort to walk all the way to my bed to sit down for two seconds, then get up and leave.

I also have no idea why she's making such an effort on her appearance since it's 1:30 am and she's been single for the last eight years. I need to stop thinking about my mom and I need to get myself ready.

I'm not going to do too much since I'm going to be getting on a plane. Last night, I left out a pair of black Nike joggers with a grey hoodie and my beat-up Air Force 1's. "Should I shower?" I ask myself, out loud, not expecting an answer. 

"Yes!" My mom calls from the hallway. 

Shouldn't she be making me breakfast?

"But showering takes so much effort!" I call out, but she doesn't answer this time. It's not like it's going to matter anyways. I'm going to sweat on the plane anyways. No sense in wasting water and soap.

I'm not going to shower.


I showered. 

I hated every moment of it. 

The water was taking too long to heat up, I was almost done with my shower when I realized it was hair wash day, so I had to stay in the shower longer just to put soap in my hair, which somehow ended up in my eyes.

Then when I got out, my towels were gone so I had to use my fucking hair drier to dry myself off, but when I went to use it on my hair, it stopped working. So, now my hair is wet, and since I have long hair, my shirt is also wet.

Oh, and I ran out of toothpaste so I had to brush my teeth with water and Listerine which burns like hell!

I think it's a sign that I shouldn't be leaving my whole life behind.

I walk downstairs and my mom is already sitting at the table. In the middle of it, there's a dish of cinnamon rolls and a plate of bacon. 

And I might actually be able to eat this without jumping every time I look up because my mom wiped off that hideous mask. Not that her face is any better, but the mask was definitely worse. 

Okay, that was really rude of me. She isn't ugly, like at all. She's very beautiful and she knows it.

I hope. 

As soon as I take a seat, my mom rushes out of her seat and grabs two glasses and a pitcher of orange juice. "Mom, what are you doing?"

When she turns around, I see tears running down her face, but she smiles through them. "What do you mean? I'm having breakfast with my daughter." As she says 'daughter', her voice shakes and she breaks down into a sob.

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