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Later, I was sitting in my room, writing a list of books I wanted, when a knock echoed from my door. 

I look at the clock on my nightstand and it's going on 11.

"Who the fuck is it?" I yell as I open the door.

When my eyes meet with the person in front of me I almost pass out from how hot he is. Holy shit. 

I scan my eyes over the rest of his body and goddamn this man belongs on the cover of a magazine. He has perfectly tan skin and fluffy blonde hair. His eyes are a light brown and his smile is crooked but adorable.

"Oh- hi." I quickly say.

"Hi. I'm Marco. Callen told me to come to get you. He wants you in his office in about fifteen minutes." How did he know I was still awake? And why haven't I seen Marco before? And why the fuck does Callen need me at 11 o'clock at night?

"Ok." I smile at him and shut my door. 

Ugh, I should've carried on a conversation. It's fine. I need to try and look a little presentable.

I pull my hair into a messy bun as I walk into my bathroom.

I brush my teeth and put on a little lipgloss. I was going to put on a little mascara, but I got a little sidetracked and had to go to his office.

I knocked on the door and he told me to come in. As soon as I opened the door I remembered my hair was still in a messy bun. 

It's fine. 

I take a step and my shorts, which are extremely short, rise up my leg. I really should've changed out of my shorts while I was getting ready.

Callen doesn't speak to me. He just watches my legs as my shorts continue to ride up. He lets out a strained sigh before directing his gaze elsewhere.

"Why did you need me?" 

He turned his gaze back to me, looking at my thighs, then making eye contact with me.

"Listen, what happened last night was very unprofessional of me and it won't happen again."

My heart broke a little bit, but I smiled and pushed the hurt away and tried to joke around hoping he was kidding.

"You're right. You should've done more than cuddled me." He drops his head a little bit but still looks at me.

I probably shouldn't have said that, but I still had to joke around.

"Alyona. We can't be doing stuff like that. We can't be fucking around and teasing each other. You're my..." He trails off, searching my eyes hoping he doesn't have to finish his sentence. I know what he's going to say. He knows that I know what he's going to say, but I still act confused so that I can confirm my beliefs.

"I'm your what? Finish your sentence." I urge out. 

He sighs heavily and runs a hand down his face. Before he grumbles out, "You're my hostage."

I knew what he was going to say, but it still hurt like a bitch. It was nice to pretend that this wasn't my new reality, but just like everything else that's happened to me lately, my illusion shattered leaving me heartbroken and alone.

That was just a little dramatic, but I really was hurt by it.

My hand crumbles the wishlist in my pocket. I stand up, pushing back tears and I throw the paper on his desk and walk out, a couple of tears falling.

I'm not crying over the fact that he doesn't want to 'play' with me. I'm crying because I've been trying to avoid the fact that I'm just a hostage here. 

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