
13 1 14

She takes one last drag of the cigarette before giving it back to me and lying back down.

I don't know if I'm seeing things or not, but I'm pretty sure I just watched her take her bra off.

I want to find out. I need to find out. 

It's taking everything in my body right now to try not to go lay in that bed with her and ruin her.

I need to go slow or I'll scare her away; whatever is happening right now is not slow.

One night won't hurt though, right?

I put the cigarette out and quietly wandered back into her room, closing the doors behind me.

Should I get in bed with her?



What the fuck? I just said yes!

Shut up you're fucking annoy-

"Are you going to continue fighting your conscience or are you going to get in bed with me?" She calls quietly, still lying down.


Answer her you fucking idiot

Shut up.

You should answer her.

Actions speak louder than words now shut the hell up.

I start slowly walking over to the left side of the bed, which is empty, and I sit on the edge, contemplating continuing to lie down.

Before another internal battle begins with my conscience, I just decide to kick off my shoes and lie down. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Spoon her? Just lay here?

Lick her ear.

Okay, now you're done. I'm never listening to you again.

Ugh, whatever. I was just messing around.

Anyway, back to my actual important questions; do I put my arm around her? I can't continue lying here stiff.

I didn't have to continue questioning my next actions because she rolled over and gently rested her head on my chest while wrapping her arms around my torso.

I use my left arm and practically pull her on top of me and I just hold her. I keep my arms wrapped tight around her waist and she doesn't argue or move. I can't tell who's enjoying it more—me or her.

"Thank you." She softly whispers.

"For what?" My whisper echoes off the walls

"Holding me." She snuggles her face closer to my chest and I roll us over so that we are resting on our sides. Her grip doesn't falter and neither does mine. 

Our legs are entangled together and she's still holding on to me like she's going to lose me.

When her breathing slows and I'm pretty sure she's sleeping, I lean down a little bit and kiss the top of her head. "Goodnight, bellissima."

I allow myself to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep, and let me say, that was the best sleep I've had in a while. I don't know if it's because I had a half-naked girl curled against me or because I allowed myself to be calm before I fell asleep. Either way, I'm satisfied.

Now, I wish I could say my awakening was just as peaceful, but it wasn't. My phone was blowing the fuck up next to me. I was praying that it wasn't Marco, but it was. Something about stolen drugs. I swear to god if it was those new trainers I hired, they're going to suffer a long painful death.

I slowly unwrap Alyona's arms from my waist and try to swiftly climb out of bed. Once I'm free, I walk towards the door and open it. I turn around and look at her one last time before walking out of the room.

Maybe I'll have this taken care of before she wakes up and I can join her back in bed.


So, that definitely did not happen. Instead, I was stuck hunting down the dumbasses who stole a whole block of cocaine. Who the fuck is that desperate? 

Once they were found, I had Carmello take them to the basement of the warehouse and question them and occasionally torture them, but not too brutally of course. We have to save the terrifying aspects to me.

Anyways, once they were caught I remembered I scheduled a practice for 11 am and it was 10:45. There was no way I was going to make it to the field in time, so I sent out a text, letting the parents know I was running late and I tried to be there as soon as possible.

I hate sending out group text messages because everyone tries to reply and there are like 20+ people in the thread so my phone is just going to be constantly blowing up. And then sometimes, parents text me in the group chat and separately explain why their child won't be at practice.

Like Lisa, I don't give a fuck that you have a family gathering at 12:30. Just say you and your child won't fucking be there. I'm understanding. Although, that poor child probably doesn't even want to be there. Not the point. The point is, the parents will find any reason to text me as much as possible and it's fucking annoying.

At least the kids are adorable and try hard.

Did you just call kids adorable? You're softening up.

I ignore my thoughts and continue speeding down the road at a solid 102 miles per hour. Today better not be the day I get pulled over. Even though I have people in the system, I still don't feel like explaining myself.

I finally reach the field and thankfully I'm only five minutes late so the kids and parents won't be too mad at me.

As soon as I step out of my Audi, a short blonde kid runs up to me and attaches himself to my leg. 

"You're late again, Coach Austin!" He shrieks, giving me a goofy grin. 

Oh yes, I had to make up some fake name just in case a parent gets curious and tries to look me up. Not that it'll ever happen, but I can't risk everything my family has worked for.

I detach Melvin from my leg and rest him on my hip as I walk onto the soccer field full of hyper five-year-olds.

Practice is going to be very eventful today I see.

"Who wants to win ice cream?" I ask setting Melvin down and as soon as I make that announcement, all the kids come rushing to me screaming that they want to win.

Little do they know they're all winning ice cream because why not? They deserve it.

"Okay well we all have to practice hard today and whoever tries the most gets ice cream!"


The parents are totally going to hate me for this.



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This chapter was so rushed.

I hope you guys enjoyed


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