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Alyona laid on the ground and hyperventilated for nearly five minutes until she lost consciousness. Something must've triggered her. I want to know so bad, but I made a promise, not only to myself but to the whole damn mafia, that the girl lying on my ground right now is only my hostage and that I can't get involved in her personal life; including her traumas.

Saying that makes my insides light on fire, but the more we continue to be sensual the more chance I have of letting my wall down and fucking up everything I've worked for.

Ceaser jogs back into the room while sliding his phone into his back pocket. "The private ambulance will get here soon. Do you know why she was screaming like that?" He asks, raising his brow.

I shrug my shoulders and slowly walk back to my office. I have no more reason to be out there. 

Watching her bleed out on my marble floors wasn't going to help me with paperwork and it sure as hell wasn't going to help me get my mind off of her. 

"I'm pretty sure the blood triggered her. She touched her head, saw the blood, and started whispering something then went into a full-on panic attack. I would have Leighton come and calm her down but she's in Vegas." Carmello gave that whole explanation right outside my door which, again, wasn't helping me focus on the damn paperwork.

My attention was returned to the pile of papers in front of me, but of course, my attention wasn't held for long because Carmello roughly opened my office door then slammed it shut behind him.

"Go easy on the door," I call out, scribbling my signature, not bothering to look up.

"What the fuck was that?" Carmello whispered, leaning over my desk.

"What was what?" I drop my pen and rest my chin on my knuckles. "Do you mean when I was treating her for what she is?" I responded in the same low voice as Carmello.

"She's a guest. Not some puttana you picked up off the street." He seethes, leaning in closer to me. His Italian accent was heavy.                                                                                                [whore]

I have a feeling this conversation is going to be tense so I push myself away from my desk and grab two glasses and a bottle of whiskey from the brewery I own.

"That shit is fucking poison. Don't give that to me." I put one of the glasses away and continued to pour mine.

"She is here because I kidnapped her in the airport because her father owes me. She has no importance to me other than a deal." Saying those words pained me, but they had to be said or else I'd lose this battle.

I sit back down, prop my ankle on my knee, and stared at Carmello, waiting for a response.

"I knew you were cold, but this is colder than Elsa."

"You are a childish motherfucker."

The man in front of me doesn't move. He stands there clenching and unclenching his fists and ticking his jaw. I can almost see the gears in his head turning debating if he should speak or walk out. Walking out would be the best option, but I sense that he's going to stand his ground until his point is made.

"I know you're scared to fall in love, but you need to move on from E-" I jump from my desk, grab Carmello's shirt collar, and slam him against the wall, knocking over the fake plant.

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence,"

"She's fucking dead! Moping won't bring her back." He fucked up. 

I punched him on the cheek, causing his head to turn, but he didn't fight back.

I don't punch him again. Instead, I let go of him and fixed his collar. "Don't say anything like that again or else I won't leave off on one punch." He walked out on his own, side-eyeing me on his way out.

"Why can't I catch a damn break around here?" I mutter to myself.

I return to my desk with papers awaiting signatures. I need to work to take my mind off the stress. Or a drink. A drink sounds way better than scribbling my name on meaningless papers, but this work has to be done somehow.

I finish the last of the whisky in my glass then refill it before returning my attention elsewhere.

The lights from the ambulance dance across the wall across from my window. Finally, she'll be out of this damn house. 

I actually mean it, but as long as her presence is gone hopefully she'll stop running through my mind long enough for me to be at peace. Well, as much peace that can brought to a mafia leader.

After sitting at my office desk for the past three hours, I finally finished signing all the paperwork I needed to sign so I could secure my next business. 

A strip club.



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i love you guys *muah*


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