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Around two thirty, I made my way to Alyona's room, gently knocking on the door. She opened the door, breathing heavily. 

My eyes scanned her body as I observed the way her shirt hugged her chest and how tight her leggings were around her thighs and hips. "Are you going to keep staring or are you ready to go?" She asks, clipping up her hair with one of the banana clips I bought her.

"I think I'm going to stare a little longer." She groans as she fights back a smile. She tries to walk past me, but I lean against the door way, blocking her from exiting her room. 

She crosses her arms and huffs before looking up at me. How is she so damn short? I genuinely have to look down at her. "Stop looking down at me you're making me feel short." I chuckled and bent down to her height. 

"Is this better?" I smirked and she looked away, trying to hide her smile.

"Can we please go now. I've been waiting all day to leave the house." I considered saying no, but I know I wouldn't be able to stay in the house as long as she has.

"Only because you said please." She smiled brightly and wrapped her arm around my waist. 

"Thank you!" I moved out the way and let her walk downstairs. I would say it's because I want to be a gentleman, but I really just wanted to see how her ass looked in her leggings. 

"I know you're staring at my ass right now." She called behind her as she walked down the stairs.

Oh shit, she's walking down the stairs. Alone.

I ran next to her and escorted her down the stairs. I don't know what I'd do if I had to watch her fall down the stairs again. 

"You do realize I know how to walk down the stairs right?"

"And most people know how to walk up the stairs."

Man, if looks could kill. "Touché." 


We finally made it to the mall and the moment we stepped inside, Alyona was in awe. She looks like she's never been inside of a mall before.

"Where do you want to go first?" She looked at me and grinned.

I swear if she says Victoria's Secret...

"Victoria's Secret?" She held her arms behind her back which made her chest rise. Fuck. I need to stop staring. She's going to think I'm a pedophile.

"I'm not going in with you." 

"Ugh fine. Can we go to the bookstore?" How many books does she need?

"No no no! Wait! I want to go into the Apple Store." She grabs my hand and drags me to the Apple Store across from us.

"Wait, Callen?" She looks up at me with guilt in her eyes.

"What's wrong belissima?" 

She looks around anxiously before finally making eye contact with me.

"So you know how you kidnapped me?"

I looked around praying no one heard that.

"First of all, you let me do that, second don't fucking scream that in public." 

"Sorry. Anyways, my wallet is with my luggage which is in Russia. And am I in Russia? No. So basically," she twirled her thumbs and struggled to meet my eyes. I know she's going to say she has no money, but she must not have gotten the hint that I'll always pay for her. No matter what.

"I don't have money with me. It completely slipped my mind before we came here. But we can still look." Perfect. She can look and I'll buy every single thing her pretty brown eyes land on.

I nod my head and she grins, leading me into nearly every store in the mall. 

As soon as we got home, she ran upstairs to get ready for dinner. While she was getting ready, I called Marco and told him everything he needed to buy for Alyona. I'm going to spoil her like the brat that she is.

Dinner is finally ready and I sent Ceaser upstairs to get Alyona. She's been running through my mind all day and it's slowly driving me crazy. How can someone I barely know have such a huge effect on me?

"What're you grinning at?" Leighton asks, setting down a dish of pasta. 

"Food. I'm starving." Carmello comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist from behind. She looks up and they lock lips. He finally pulls away and smiles at her.

"Smells good babe." This man is whipped. If Leighton asked him to jump off a cliff, he probably would.

Alyona and Ceaser finally make it downstairs and I'm struggling to prevent my jaw from hitting the floor. Alyona's wearing a pretty normal outfit, but she is so hot that she looks like a goddess in anything that she wears.

"Has anyone ever told you it's rude to stare?" The chokehold this woman has me in. I need to stop. She's going to think I'm a creep.


As soon as I walked downstairs, Callen's eyes met mine, then slowly scanned my body. Does he hate my outfit? I thought I did good. All I'm wearing is a short black skirt with a light pink sweater. 

Oh my fucking goodness. If he doesn't stop staring at me, I'm going to lose my shit. "Has anyone ever told you it's rude to stare?" I call out to Callen as I take a seat at the table.

Everyone else starts sitting and I'm sat between Leighton and Ceaser. My two favorite people in this house. Everyone else starts filling in the seats around us and of course, Callen is sitting in front of me. 

I go to reach for the bottle of wine, but Callen the Creep beats me to it and pours himself a glass before taking my cup from my hand. I watch intently as he fills my clear glass with the deep crimson liquid.

He sets it down in front of me and I give him a silent thank you. Before I take a bite of the food I thank Leighton for the meal and of course these dumbasses said it after me. I guarantee none of them, besides Carmello, have ever thanked her for her cooking.


After we finished dinner, I asked Ceaser to give me a tour of the house, and holy fuck. This place was enormous. There is no way they use every room in this house. 

I also discovered that I've had the entire 4th floor to myself. This entire time I thought someone else slept in the room across from mine, but I guess I was wrong.

"Do you know what you're wearing to the dance tomorrow?" Salad questioned as he walked me to my room.

"Yeah, your brother brought me a dress earlier." He shook his head and chuckled to himself before stopping in front of my room.

"What's so funny?"

"That's not the only thing he got for you." I opened the door to my room and saw mounds of shopping bags from all the stores we went into today. "How did he-" I went to question Callen's actions, but Ceaser had already walked away.

I swear I'm living in some twisted fairytale.


the intense writers block i got while writing this chapter is sad

the intense writers block i got while writing this chapter is sad

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hope you enjoyed

love youuuu


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