
12 1 33

A/N: I'm deeply considering changing the aesthetics a little bit. I feel like some of the photos don't clash...


I was sleeping peacefully until I heard yelling outside my door.

Great. Really fucking great.

Who the fuck has the audacity to be yelling right now?

I crawl out of bed to inspect the raised voices and as soon as I get close to my door I realize it's Callen and Ceaser.

"How long has she been out of the basement?" Are we talking about me or some other chick he decided to hold hostage in his basement?

"Callen, please. She was miserable down there. You should've seen how weak and pale she looked.  I couldn't take it anymore. I had to let her live. Let her breathe." Ceaser practically pleads.

"No. She's going back-" I'm getting fed up with all this arguing. I need to go back to sleep.

I open the door and the two men stare at me. 

Callen with a glare and Ceaser with an apologetic look on his face.

"You had this whole house to argue, but you decided to argue in front of my door. I don't know if you got the memo or not, but it is two in the fucking morning which is the time where most people sleep and I'm one of those people trying to sleep. Shut the fuck up or argue somewhere else."

I slam the door in their faces and march back to my bed, dramatically throwing the covers over my body, tossing and turning trying to get comfortable.

I finally get comfortable and I'm about to fall asleep when my door is opened and light floods my room.

I'm about to lose my shit.

"Who is it and what do you want?" I don't lift my head or make an effort to see who it is. If they want to see me so badly, they will come to me. Not the other way around.

"I just want to apologize," Callen's deep Italian voice floods the room. "I didn't mean to keep you in the basement, it was just the best option." The bed dips next to me and I look up to see his back facing me.

"If you 'didn't mean to' then why did you do it?" Whatever sleep was in my body, left. I'm now wide awake. 

"Safest option til we knew your father wasn't coming for you. I'm going to let you sleep now. We can talk about it in the morning. Night, bellissima." He gets up off my bed and I sit up. Who the fuck does he think he's calling 'bellisima'?

You, smartass!

Be quiet.

"I think the fuck not. I'm wide awake now and it's your fault. Now you're going to explain everything to me right fucking now."

"Someone is grumpy when they're tired." He flicks on the lamp on the bedside table, then sits on the chair in the corner of the room, resting his left ankle on his right knee.

"I don't like being kidnapped anymore. I want to be unkidnapped." He tilts his head and gives me a quizzical look with a knowing smirk dancing across his lips.

Oh how badly I want to punch that smirk off his face.

"It doesn't work like that, but I can try to make your stay more enjoyable by getting you anything you want." Anything? He's going to regret saying that.

"Will you and Ceaser take me?" He shrugs and I glare at him. 

I wish he wasn't so hot because being mad at him would be so much easier.

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