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These gray walls are starting to piss me off with how bland they are. Like, I know this is the basement and I'm sure many other hostages have been held in here and it's not supposed to be enjoyable, but what the hell is this?

I've lost track of how long I've been down here and out of all the meals Ceaser has dropped off, I think I've only touched one. The others have either sat there and froze or they ended up on the walls.

If I had to guess how long I've been down here, I'm going to say two to three days. If it's been shorter, I think I'll go insane.

Speaking of going insane, I haven't talked to a single person since I was shoved down here. 

Whenever Ceaser drops off the food, he'll just stare at me and walk out. If I even try to speak to him, he runs out.

I thought him and I were bonding. 

I thought at least one person in this big ass house would care about me at least a little bit, but I guess I was wrong.

Okay, well, maybe not too wrong because Ceaser did bring me some clothes and a tube of deodorant. Maybe that's his way of telling me he still cares. Or he's telling me I stink. Hopefully it was the first assumption.

Deciding I've dealt with enough bullshit today, I walk to my small nest I made out of the clothes, and lay down, hoping to get sleep.

Unfortunately, the moment I got comfortable, the door swings open. I expect Ceaser to just set the food down and leave, but instead he sets it down by the door and walks over to me.

I sit up a little bit, hoping he'll give me an explanation for his behavior, but instead he grabs me by my shoulders and pulls me into him.

He tightly wraps his arms around my body and I just sit completely still, not sure what to do.

"I'm sorry Alyona. I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have listened to him. I should've tried to talk to you. I'm sorry." He continues to hug me until I tap his arm.

"It's okay. I figured you'd come to your senses and realize how much you've missed my smart mouth." He chuckles and completely pulls away from me.

"Why don't we get you out of here." He extends out his hand and I gratefully take it.

We run through the basement doors and he leads me up four flights of stairs, still squeezing my hand. "Wait! My clothes!"

"Don't worry, we'll go back for those, for now, just try to get settled." He opens a door and drags me into a room. 

The walls are a medium shade of gray, the bed is also plain, but the bed frame is black and there's a chair in the far left corner with a coffee table. Next to the chair, there's a tall plant in the corner and there's a bookshelf on the opposite wall. Even though the book shelf is large, there's very few books on it and there's three little plants next to the books.

The coffee table has a few modern books stacked up and there's a white fluffy blanket draped over the chair.

On the opposite side of the room, there's two large french doors that open up to a gorgeous blacony that oversees the huge front lawn.

On the far left side of the room, there's a white sliding door that leads into a very white bathroom with a few small plants sitting in between the two sinks. To the right of the bathroom is a large white door that probably leads to a closet. I'll inspect later.

"A few things, those plants are fake so you don't have to worry about watering them, there's soap and everything in the bathroom already, that door right there," He points to the large white door. "That's your closet and I'll be bringing clothes to put in there and if you want any changes done to the room, let me know and I'll get that done immediately." Goddamn! I went from being treated like a peasant to being treated like a princess and I fucking love it.

Ceaser goes to walk out the door, but he turns to me and hesistates a bit before speaking. "I know I just kind of let you out of the basement, but Callen kind of didn't even want me to speak to you, so could you do me a small favor and try to be quiet and stay in here as much as possible?" I nod my head yes even though I had a million questions running through my mind.

"I'll buy you a mini fridge soon, but for now I'll be checking on you hourly." He runs to me and gives me a quick hug before walking back to the door. "I'm so sorry once again." That's the last thing he said before shutting the door.

I wait until he fully walks away before squealing and lightly jumping up and down. This is literally my dream bedroom. The plants and candles make the room even better and it makes it feel cozier.

Before I touch anything, I run to the bathroom and turn on the water. I've been  needing a shower for the longest time. I'm pretty sure you can smell my stench from downstairs. Speaking of, I don't think anyone can hear the shower since I'm on the fourth floor, right?

At this point, I don't care who hears. If I get caught, I get caught.

I slide out of my clothes and step into the steamy shower. When the water hits my skin at first I jump since it's been awhile since I've showered, but the feel of the water dripping down my body and my wet hair sticking to my back makes me smile.

I can finally live again.

Well, at least shower again.

"Alyona?" Someone calls from the other side of the door.

"Just a minute" I haven't even had a chance to use soap yet. "It's just me, Ceaser. I brought up you're clothes and your dinner is sitting on the coffee table."

I tell him a quiet thank you and then return to my warm shower. I grab the body wash from the shelf in the shower and put a small amount of a loofah and scrub my body. As soon as the soap suds up, the whole shower smells like strawberry poundcake. 

Whoever picked this out has good taste.

The shampoo and conditioner smells the same and it made my hair silky. I seriously have to thank Ceaser for this.

After I rinse the soap out of my hair, I quickly get myself dressed and eat dinner, then decide to reorganize my bookshelf. Maybe I can ask Ceaser if we can go book shopping.

Or maybe Callen...



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enjoy <3


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