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I wake up to sunlight beaming into the room and I roll over, expecting to be pulled into Callen's warm chest, but instead, my head sinks into the pillow next to me.

"Be so for-" I go to sit up and the moment I do, Ceaser is opening my door and when he sees that my chest is bare he slams the door shut and starts screaming.

I scream too because I just traumatized my friend.

Ceaser continues screaming until he shouts from the other side of the door. "Why the fuck am I still screaming!?" Even as he says that he's still screaming.

"I don't know!" I scream back.

He opens the door again, but his eyes are closed tightly.

"Can I look now?" I pull the covers up to my chest and hold out a thumbs up, but then I realize he can't see since his eyes are closed.

"Yeah." He slowly opens his eyes one at a time.

"I was going to wake you up with breakfast in bed, but I guess that was a bad idea," He gives me an awkward smile before setting down the tray of food on the small coffee table.

"Well uhm, I just wanted to let you know that Callen had some things to take care of so it's just going to be me and you for a little while if you want to come down for a little bit." He goes to close the door, but I call out for him.

"Wait," He turns around and looks at me.

"How will I know where you're at? I mean this house is huge." He half-shrugs and thinks momentarily before turning around and walking toward the door.

"I'll be back in thirty minutes." That's it? I was only offered 30 minutes to eat AND get ready. There's no way in hell he really thinks that highly of me.


I have never eaten food as fast as did five minutes ago. My stomach is going to hurt so bad, but I don't have time to worry about that because I have to get ready.

My shower is taking so long to heat up but there is no fucking way that I'm putting a single body part in that water until it practically burns my skin.

In meantime, I'm brushing my teeth and figuring out what jewelry to wear with my outfit. I'm wearing a red sundress which ends at midthigh. I'm probably going to wear a simple gold chain necklace with a small diamond on it.

Through the reflection of the mirror,  see the shower steaming and I decide I need to hurry up and shower if I want to be ready in time.

I undo the tie of my silk rope and slip it off, resting it on the hook next to the shower and I slowly get in the boiling water.

As much as it burns, it feels soothing at the same time. 

I want to stand in the shower and enjoy the warm water, but instead, I rushed myself and grabbed the fluffy thing, loofah maybe, and I quickly put some shower gel on the scrubber and started to viciously and rapidly scrub at my body.

I don't know why I'm rushing so much. It's not like we're going anywhere, but yet here I am, sliding the dress over my head even though there are droplets of water dripping down my legs.

By the time I'm done figuring out what jewelry and perfume to wear, there's a knock on the door to my room.

My hair isn't done and my mascara is a little smudged, but I open the door anyways with a smile.

My eyes fixate at the tall, muscular body hovering over me. This was not Ceaser or Callen, but whoever they were, they were fine as hell.

No! Stop it!

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