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I wake up in the hospital, unaware of how I got here. 

I slowly look around the room, observing my surroundings. There's not much to observe. The walls are blank except for the ugly painting of flowers hanging up across from me and the TV hanging up in the corner of the room.

To the left of me, there's a counter and a sink and to my right, there's a door and a... a girl?

There's a tall, caramel-colored girl with medium-length curly hair asleep in the chair to my right. Her chest rises up and down as she takes shallow breaths. As I go to sit up to adjust myself, the girl jolts awake and rushes to my side.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" She runs up to the bed and gives me a light squeeze. 

I lay stiff, not sure how to respond.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I know you." My voice came out hoarse; almost a whisper. She releases me and gives me a sympathetic smile. "Carmello didn't tell you about me? I'm Leighton," she holds her hand out. "His girlfriend." She smiles brightly as I shake her hand. I had no idea she looked like this. She is so gorgeous. She could literally be a model.

"You're Leighton? You're so pretty!"I try to make my voice sound enthusiastic but it comes out sounding like a broken record.

She thanked me numerous times and then we created small talk. Well, it's mainly just her talking and me nodding my head. I'm not sure why she's here, but I have no motivation to ask.

Eventually, the doctors and nurses came in and asked me a few questions and I answered them all with ease until the very last one.

"Do you know why you're here?" The doctor asks, holding his pen to the paper ready to document every word that's bound to spill from my lips. "I-I don't know." He suspiciously nods his head and scribbles words down before opening his mouth again. Before he speaks Leighton comes in and saves me from a long conversation I'm dreading to have.

"Doctor, I know you need answers, but she's already told you twice she doesn't know why she's here and I think she's getting tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Can we at least take a small break before you continue to bombard her with questions?" The doctor, Dan I think his name is, looks at me for reassurance and I eagerly nod my head, dying to take a break.

"Okay. We'll resume our conversation in an hour. I'll be back to check on you soon." He gets up and walks out the door, loudly closing the door behind him.

"Thank you for stepping in. I felt like I was going crazy repeating myself." She smiles and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. I lay my head back and rest it against the pillow, trying to ignore the throbbing that's been going on in the back of my head for the past few minutes. I wince when the throbbing intensifies. I turn to look at Leighton, but all I see are little black dots. "Leighton," My voice comes out weak and shaky. "G-go get the nurse." I can slowly feel myself losing consciousness, but I don't want to pass out.

Before everything goes black, I feel someone grab my arm and tell me they're here for me and that's all I remember.


When I wake up again, I'm blinded by the bright lights of the hospital. I look to see if Leighton was still there, but she's not the only one who was waiting for me to gain consciousness. There are a couple of nurses, Leighton, Salad, Carmello, and Marco, but no Callen. He must've been serious when he said I didn't matter to him. I try not to frown as my... friends try to cheer me up and ask how I'm feeling.

The nurses are rapidly writing down my vitals and checking my blood pressure. You know, doing doctorly things.

The doctor from earlier, Dan, sat down in his chair and ordered everyone to be quiet. He grabbed his clipboard and pen and looked at me. He was going to ask me those stupid questions again.

He looks back and forth between me and my friends before kicking them all out. "I'm sorry guys, but these questions are private. You can come back in the room once she's done." Leighton goes to protest, but Carmello grabs her waist and whispers in her ear. Whatever he said calmed her down and she walked out of the room with everyone else, her head hung low.

"Now that it's just you and us nurses, you can tell us the truth. What really happened that made you end up here with a concussion and broken arm?" I glared at him as all the nurses gathered around me, placing their hands on my arms to encourage me.

"I don't know what you think happened, but my friends didn't fucking abuse me. I must've fallen." I put as much force into my voice as I could.

He glared at me before looking down at his clipboard, then back up at me. "They aren't in here anymore. They can't hurt you if you tell the truth,"

"I am telling the truth!"

He writes something down then speaks again. "Okay then. How did you hurt yourself?" 

I seethed. "Just because I don't remember doesn't mean it wasn't my fault. All I remember is leaving my friend's office and wanting to go upstairs. That's it." Callen wasn't my friend and I left out the part where he shattered my heart.

"I know you know what happened. You don't have to be afraid to tell us." I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to gather myself before answering this asshole.

"I really don't have the time or energy to be arguing about what happened. We all know I'm telling the truth. You just want to be some doctor or whatever the fuck you are trying to make it on the news for 'saving a young girl from her abuser' but I'm not being fucking abused. I'm clumsy and I slipped." I force out, causing the nurses to glare at me. 

The dumb bitch Dan finally gets up from his spinny chair and lets my friends reenter the room. They all flood towards me and ask what I said to piss him off. Before I get a chance to explain, I look through the window and see Callen walking past my room.

What the hell is he doing here?



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