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It only took few seconds for my sister to pick up her phone. I can imagine her on the other line jumping out of her seat when she saw me calling on Instagram.

Unless work or case related concerns, I won't be the one to call first, or maybe very rare. It was always her checking up on me, a setup we've been used to for years.

Instagram for personals, phone calls for work.

Hey Gene.

What in a miracle it is that my dear brother called me first? Is the world ending?

I fixed my ear piece as I pulled out the food boxes from Kimmy's fridge, our leftovers last night. I'll preheat the food for our breakfast. She's still sleeping in her room.

I need my toy bag Gene. Send them over.

You'll go undercover?

Yes. Can you send next week?

I can send it this Saturday, why next week?

I needed more items. I can't have it this week.

The sound of microwave oven echoed at the kitchen, the aroma of chicken now lingering at my nose. I cracked the two eggs, mixing it in the pancake batter I prepared earlier. Mixing it well, I preheat the pan, then started cooking.

What else do you need aside from your baby toys Haein?

I need a burner phone.


Of course, she wouldn't believe me.

I actually need two. Plus the smallest GPS tracker that you could find.

Is someone pointing a gun at you right now?

Mingue's voice cracked in a mocking tone.

Or are you on some kind of delirious state?

It was David's voice.

Are they all eavesdropping at our convo Gene?

I smiled looking at the pancakes I am continually making.

You are on loudspeaker and we are inside the team's room. Where is my brother? This is not you Haein.

Aren't you happy?

I myself can't believe this is myself too.

I am more worried that it's already the apocalypse my dear brother and I am still on no boyfriend since birth status.

Can you do it? I'll just take a quick trip back to Seoul if you can't Gene. So that we could meet before my mission. And all of you, stop making fun of me, okay?

I can take care of it for you, don't go here anymore.


I flipped the last pancake back and few seconds, I already made three mini towers of pancake. I set them aside near the stove..

I need to met her Haein. I wanted to. You sounded so happy its even radiating on your voice.

"Did you tuck me to bed last night?" A playful voice and a head peeking at my side startled me. "I can't remember going to bed, I am sure I was sitting next to you at the living area.."

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