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Watch The Thrones (4,2)

After helping Lincoln towards the medical wing, which was not an easy feat seeing that he kept stubbornly repeating that he could walk on his own and didn't require help, even if he kept stumbling on his own feet and nearly crashing against the wall.

Tyra was unable to find Bellamy in any of his usual places, not even back at the memorial, where people had begun to clean up the mess that had been made previously.

Instead, Tyra sneaked back out slightly defeated at how her whole purpose of comforting Bellamy after the losses at the mountain didn't really happen, but at least she had been there to pay her respects to Gina.

The escape from the Skaikru camp was far harder than sneaking inside. Since Indra's army had all settled surrounding the perimeter, Tyra had to keep hiding, so she wouldn't be spotted and confused for a Skaikru member, or that they even recognized her as a warrior in Skaikru clothing.

"Tyra!" She nearly jumped out of her skin, pausing as she had halfway tied her boots, her face still bare of war paint as she turned to look at who had called for her.

Loukas seemed panicked, jumping over logs and rocks almost expertly while holding another note high up in the air. If he didn't gain warrior status back soon, he'd make a great messenger in Tyra's opinion.

"I could've shot you." Loukas shrugged, not really caring about how truly deadly his sister was when being scared from behind.

"If you had, you'd miss out on what is happening in Polis." Tyra finished tying her boots, grabbing the war paint that she carried everywhere from her pocket to apply it back on her face.

"What do you mean?" Tyra tried snatching the note out of Loukas' hands with her hand free of paint, but he held it high out of her reach.

"Some man named Titus came looking for you with Indra, and since I told her you were out hunting, she gave it to me to give it to you when you returned," Tyra cleaned her hand on Loukas' chest, leaving behind a hand shaped runny splash of darkened brown along his shirt while she tried to reach the note he still refused to give her.

"He said something about it being urgent business with the Commander." Tyra's eyes widened, it was concerning enough Titus had gone out of his way from the comfort behind Polis' walls to search for her. But now that it involved Lexa, Tyra knew it had to be something terrible.

She would never have used Titus as a simple messenger, so it must've meant he had gone off his own accord to find Tyra and deliver her the message. He refused to ask for her help on his worst days, even if Lexa had told him to always ask her for help first. Lexa had most likely done another insensitive decision that could endanger either her life or rule. And Tyra wouldn't take a risk with either.

"Loukas, give me the letter, or I will stab you in the foot." He chuckled, about to raise the note higher up. But once he spotted the murderous look on his sister's face that definitely wasn't a joke, he handed her the note.

It was a quick read, in much neater scrawls than Tyra was used to. No major explanations were needed before Tyra ran towards where she had seen Loukas stumble from, a look of determination that had Loukas fearing for whoever stood in her path.

The first obstacle to whatever Tyra had planned had been a warrior holding one of the multiple horses, refusing to release it for Tyra to use. But that was quickly solved with both a mention of Lexa being endangered and Tyra threatening the warrior with a sword pointed to their neck.

The second and possibly the most difficult obstacle to overcome. Loukas wouldn't let Tyra go without at least some sort of explanation to what she was doing and where she planned to go.

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