The crash

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"Get the fuck out of my house, young lady!" My father yelled at her as I ran out the front door. "And don't you ever think about coming back!" He spat at me, but I was already out the door and in my car driving off to anywhere but back at that hellhole.

As I was driving all the sudden there was something on the road. It looked like a person throwing something in my direction. I slammed on the breaks, but that did nothing as the rain made the tyres on her car slide on the road. I tried to gain control of my car as it started going off the road really fast, right into a lamp post.

Everything was a blur. I smelt smoke probably coming from my car. I blacked out once again as that same figure came closer to the car flaming pulling me out. Barely conscious, I managed to get out of the car with the help of the figure and moments later it blew up into flames, sending glass right in my direction causing me to once again black out.

As I regained consciousness, my vision was still a blur. I looked around and realised that I was in an unfamiliar room. There were beige coloured walls that were supposed to appear as comforting but I just found them disturbingly gross. Over to my side there was that same figure from that crash.

At first I thought it would be my mother, but no, she would still be at her house with my abusive father with no defence whatsoever and too scared to do anything about it.

Then my vision became focused and my surroundings became clear. It was a hospital room and the figure was a boy who looked the same age as me.

I'd seen him before, Billy. The most popular boy in all of Hawkins High, sleeping beside me in what looked like the most uncomfortable chair in the world. He looked so nice and calm, not a bitch who used people for the fun of it. He looked soft, peacful, like he cared about something.

Just then he awoke from his sleep from the sound of my quiet sneeze. Billy's head shot up and he looked at me, I was looking back at him. "Nurse, nurse, she's awake, come quick." He shouted out for what I presumed was the nurse waiting for me to wake.

A nurse came right in and Billy stood up. I thought he was going to leave to let the nurse do her work, but instead he went over to her side to help.

"Thank you Mr. Hargrove, I will need you to hold her hand while I do this okay?" Billy nodded and went on the other side of the bed to hold my hand. "You two must love each other very much?" Then she put the needle into my forearm and pushed the liquid inside me. I squeezed Billy's hand really tight causing him to grab my other hand and hold it as well, I continued to squeeze both of his hands as the nurse continued her work.

"No we aren't together. I'm just helping a friend, that's all" I didn't say anything, I just Billy kept on talking. I just kept silent throughout the rest of the time the nurse was there.

It hurts a lot, getting through all this. My body refused to move, it just felt so bad. The nurse who I found out was Nurse Ginny had shown Billy what to do every hour and a half, moving my body to one side then the next hour and a half later moving it to the other side. He would sit on the chair that was facing me. Always.

The only time he wasn't there was when he had to use the washroom to get the food for the two of us.

When I had to use the washroom Billy had helped me to the wheelchair, then onto the toilet, then back in the wheelchair, then back in her bed.

For my physio therapy it was down on the main floor, three floors down from her room. Billy has brought me there every day just to help me one day hopefully be able to move.

On the sixth day that I had been in the hospital, Billy was sitting on the chair he had claimed as 'his chair' reading to me a book he had found within the room. His voice soothed me, calmed me down so much. It made me feel so nice that nothing had happened almost a week ago.

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