Max's visit

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I stood on the ground with my feet in the sand. Max and Billy were setting up the picnic while I just stood there with my dress blowing in the wind. The breeze was nice, becuase it wasn't to windy and yet it was still there.

Suddnely the wind changed directions and my dress which was once dlowing from behind me to the front, was now blowing from the side. As I stood there trying to fix my dress so it didn't show the bump Max suddenly dropped the plates.

"Max are you alright?" BIlly said concerned.

She ingored him and stood up and slowly walked over to me. "Ash is that what I think it is?" I looked over to Billy and he smiled, I knew it was tme to tell her.

"Your going to be an aunt!" I said excitedly, she squeeled in responce. Both Billy and I laughed at her resonce as she gave me and Billy a hug.

After she calmed down we sat back down on the picnic blanket and started eating. "How far along are you?"

I took a moment to think "Almost four months"

She stopped eating, put her food down and looked at Billy. "Why didn't you tell me this on the call, oh I don't know last night?"

"Well we wanted you to find out on your own. So Thant what we did. Honestly though It took a lot longer than I though it would."

"Well did you guys think of names yet?"

"No actually, but I'm pretty sure you have some ideas."

She smiled at the both of us. "Okay so what about Maggie, or Sammy, or what about Jacklynn, Britany maybe?"

I butted in on her long list off girl names? "What if it's a boy?"

"Oh the for sure Simon, Carter, Maximus, Titan, Benny, and Tyler." For the rest of lunch and the way back home she just comtinued to list names for the baby. The only other time she talked about something other than the baby was when she asked if we were going to get another dog.

Once we arrived home I started to put away the lunch, Max went up to the guest room to unpack her stuff, and Billy let the dogs out into the backyard to play.

After everything was done Max came back downstairs and sat at the dinning room table. "So Ash."

"So Max." I said in responce not looking at her becuase I was too busy putting away the food.

I could hear her shuffle in her seet. "Have you and Billy discussed anything about marrige yet?"

Billy was currently mowing the front and back yard. So it was just me and Max in the hosue.

Not that I think about it, Billy and I hadn't, like almost nothing was planned. Other than I would be here in Claifornia. "No, not really why?"

"Well you teo are having a kid, so I would think you two would get married." Theree was a long silence before she continued. "And, I would love to be your maid of honour. Your know, just putting that out there." That's what it was, the whole point of this conversation was for her to be maid of honour.

"Yeah I don't know Max, you see I was acctually thinking off making Steve my maid of honour. Sorry." I said sitting down at the tble across from her.

"You're kidding."

I looked dead serious when I responded "No, sorry."

She slumped down in the chair. "But I thought that becuase you and me were so close. Wait Steve, really? He has a better shot at being the grooms men for Billy."

Suddenly I burst out laughing not being able to hold it back any longer. "Yes Max you will be the maid of honour. I was just playing with you." She called me a jerk and kicked me from under the table. I totally diserved that.

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