sick day

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I brought tea into the livingroom for Billy's mother as she sat there talking to me about when he was younger. I had enough, she had hurt him and just expected him to forgive her.

Sitting down beside I then handed her a cup of tea. "So why excactly did you want to see Billy?"

She stopped talling ad took a sip, then spoke. "Well I have spent almost all of Billys away from him, and the reason I never called him or sent any letters was because I was scared."

"You realise what you have done, you have ruined his life. Everyday I am there for him, because he can't do it on his own wiout feeling guilty for something."

Just then the phone rang. I got up and answered it.


"Hey there angel,"

"Hi There Billy, you need anything?"

"No, I just needed to tell you I'll be home in 5 minutes okay?"

"Yep, oh thank you for the letter, I needed it."

"Anytime, I got to go, Love you."

"Love you too."

And with that I hung up. "Charlotte, do you want some lunch?"

"Sure why not."

I wan't a rude person, Billy was going ot be home in a few minutes, and I want him to forgive her.

Cucumber sandwiches, thats what I made for lunch. I made four sandwiches and cut them all in half. I brought it out to the coffee table. Just as I sat down someone knocked onto the door.

Not knowing why on earth Bully would knock I opned it. Billy was holding up a present. "You do know you could have put that down right?"

"Didn't think of that plus I didn't want to drop it." He stopped suddenly to see his mom on our couch. "Out." Was all he said, that was enough for her to stand up apoligise and leave the house immedietly. "What was she doing here?"

"She wanted to apoligise. But never mind that. Why on earth did you get me this present?"

I could tell he didn't want to talk about his mom, si he changed the topic. "Open it and see." I did so.

Lifting up the lid to this present I heard a light bark. Stopung immidietly I looked up at Billy. "You didn't." All he did was smile. I finished talking off the lid a puppy jumped out of the present box. "Billy she's beautifull, what's her name?"

"Well I was thnking that since we already have Tragity, why not have Joy."

"Oh I love it." I put Joy down on the ground and went over to let Tragity inside.

He immidietly went over to sniff Joy, they looked so cute together. I stood up and gave Billy a hug. He kissed me on my forhead as I looked up into his eyes.

All the sudden our moment was ruined by the two dogs running through the living room. I let them into the backyard to continue their playing.

As soon as I came back in the house I saw Billy frowning at me, "What?"

"You were going to start painting without me?"

"Yeah I didn't see it as a bit problem."

He put his hand to his chast and suddenly acted disapointed. "How could you. I wanted to do it with you."

"Well then maybe you should do it with me." I went over and mixed the paint once more before hadning a brush and the paint can to Billy. I stirred mine and we both got to painting. Suddenly he stopped, he walked upstairs and grabbed something, shortly after he came back downstairs with a boombox and a camera.

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