Lies is what they are

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Ever since that night, Billy and I became more open and honest with each other. We both talked about everything and decided that we would want to wedding to be before the baby is here. We decided that the wedding would be at the end of August. It was currently the end of June, and somehow I had managed to make a new friend.

Her name's Kathrine (Kathy), she's 22 and lives all on her own in the house next to mine with her husband John who's also 22.

Today Kathy, John, Billy and I are going downtown to spend the day together. It was Billy's day off today so we all decided why not.

As we entered a breakfast diner Kathy decided to start up a conversation. "So I know how your wedding sat at the end of August, so have you not decided on a theme for it yet?"

Billy and I sat on the opposite side of the table that Kathy and John sat at. "Um, Actually yes we have." I looked over at Billy as he answered, I didn't know that we did though. "It's going ot be at the beach. Are very own special spot is where we're going to have it." I nodded in agreement and we ordered our food for the morning.

After we finished eating we all decided that the girls would spend the day together and so would the boys. So off they went.

Kathy and I decided to look around the jewelry shop for a little while looking for something to go with my wedding dress. After around five minutes of looking Kathy looked at me. "Do you even have a wedding dress picked out yet?" I shook my head no. " Oh my god, we don't need to be here then." And with that she pulled me out of the store and down the road to a wedding dress shop.

"Alright what are you looking for in a wedding dress?" Kathy said while looking though the million dresses that were hung in front of us.

I sat down on a bench before responding to her. "Well I want one that is light, off the shoulders, and would flow in the wind."

"Seems simple enough right?" I nodded got up and then started searching for it with Kathy.

Around half an hour later we found our top three dresses. All of them were perfect because they were actually what I wanted, but now I had to choose which one though. And after much consideration I decided to go with the one with light blue flowers along the rim of the dress. It just felt right so I decided to go with it, and Kathy seemed to agree with me on it.

Once we paid for the dress and got it bagged up nice and neatly we went back to the jewelry store.

Everything there seemed that it either went with the dress or it didn't which helped a lot. After a bit more Kathy and I had found the perfect pieces of jewelry to go with the dress.

"You know what we should do?" I shook my head no. "We should pick out some things for your dear old baby."

"Yeah, I think that would be nice." I agreed.

We walked out of the jewelry store and continued down the street towards the other stores. "So what gender is the baby?"

"Actually me and Billy decided that we wanted it to be a surprise." I said as we walked into a layette store.

"Well in that case, we shall look for little jumpers and all things like that for the little one that fall in the colours of yellow, blue, green and purple."

And with that we both set off throughout the store finding all the cute little things, showing each other then deciding if I should buy it. Once we found enough from the one store we went onto the next, and so on and so.

Before we knew it, the sun had started setting and both Kathy and I had bought enough things that we could probably fill the whole room.

The two of us walked into the house to find Billy and John sitting at the table talking about something. "How was you day baby?" I said as I walked up behind Billy and gave him a kiss on his right temple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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