Forgive me

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I woke up this morning before Billy had. I slipped out of his tight grasp, and just sat at the end of the bed petting the dog we had found.

While I was distracted with petting the dog I didn't hear Billy wake up. "Want to pick a name for him?" I just looked at him still not ready to say anything to him. "What about Prince?" I shook my head no. "Okay what about Tucker?" Still shook my head no.

Then I had an idea, Tragity. I know it sound horrible, but the meaning behind it is perfect. I didn't bother gettign Billy's aproval and just looked at the dog. "Tragity, That't what we'll call you. Isn't that right Tragity?" I said making him get all exited and jump off the bed and do a little twirl.

"Tragity? Really that's his name?" Billy said while trying to get off the bed without my help, he failed. I went over and helped him the the nightstnd where he rested himself as I grabbed him some clothes for the day. I handed it to him and started to leave. "Ash can you please help me?" I nooded and went over to help him.

After we were done I went back to my room and practically threw myself on my bed. I curled up on my bed still laying down and jut started crying. My gut hurt. Everytime I was neer him I just wanted to say that I forgave him, but I just couldn't. No matter what was preventing me from doing it, I couldn't seem to find why. After a while I heard a light nock on my door. It was Billy, I couldn't say anything so I just sat up and turned away. Leaving my back facign the door.

Billy crutched his way in and sat down beside me and I could feel his eyes on my back as I didn't look at him.

"Ash you okay?" I nodded. "You sure?" I stayed stil for a moment before shaking my head no. "Come here, give me a hug." I leaned back onto him and just layed in his arms as they wrapped around me. "It will be okay I promise." I nodded and started ot fall asleep in his arms.

When I woke I looked around to see that I was no longer In Billy's arms, in fact I was completely alone other than what sounded like a few people talking in the living room. I stayed still and listened into what they were saying.

"Are you two solved?"

"Yes, I mean I think so."

"What do you mean you think so?"

"Well she hugged me, did everything that she normally would just a bit more distant, also she won't talk to me."

"Yeah? You know why?"


"Well did you ever think that maybe her life is shit and she's head over heels for this one person who broke her trust. Twice."

"What should I do?"

"You just need to give her time. Trust me when I say it wont last forever, but will feel like it does."

"Thanks Max."

"Any time Billy."

Slowly opened the door so it wouldn't creek, I looked out to the living room to see the two siblings hugging. I walked closer to them slowly becuase my back was sore. Then smiled when me and Max made eye contact.

"Who's house did you sleep at last night?" I questioned seeing her there still with her black boots on.

"I just stayed at lucas's house for the night, sorry I didn't call."

"Max don't worry about it." I just smiled at her as we hugged for a bit befor Billy intrupted the moment between us two.

"How was band practice?" We akk started talking about her band when all the sudden I heard Tragity bark.

He was locked in Billy's room. I went over and let him out. He went running out and started barking at everything. "You want to go outside?" I asked him and he barked even more. "Come on lets go outside." I opened the door to the back door and let him run in the fenced up yard. He looked so happy just running around everywhere. Once he was finished I let him back in the house and gave him ome leftovers that I found in the fridge. He ate it greatfully as I looked up to see Max looking very confused.

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now