The Suprise

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The next six months had padded like a breeze. Me and Billy became an offical couple, practically like a married couple. We had gotten a new camaro, but this time it was a red one, All of our stiteched came out a while ago, and some of the scars were disapearing though. We had gone to almost all of Max's concerts, they are amazing. The total amount of money I have now is around $8,000. Tragity is offiacially Billy's and my dog. We stopped working at the pool completely, our new jobs are dog walkking and house cleaning.

While I do the dog walking for $5 per dog for a walk and end up walking around 10 to 15 dogs a day, Billy stays at home and cleans the house for susan who pays him $2.50 an hour. So we were makeing our own Money.

Billy had gotten his cast off a week ago and he had to relearn how to walk, it was holarious but he did learn to do it quickly and was soon able to run withn the next day.

I barrely slept in my room, ever since the crash the only time's I've slept in my room is when we were forced to spend at least four hours apart during the night.

Lateley Billy has been acting strange around me. He's been more secritive and avoident of me. He has been talking to Max ans Susan about things that when I walk in the room they all stop talking and change the subject immidietly. It's made me feel really bad about myself, becuase I'm pretty sure he want to break up with me, but doesn't want to hurt my feelings. But when night come around he loves me to death.

Today I had awoken to the sound of something crashing onto the ground. I emmidietly jumped up and ran into the kitchen to see what the comotion was. It was Billy and it looked like he was trying to make something. "Billy what are you doing at eight in the moring?" I said glansing at the clock on the wall.

"Well today I-I planned something special for you and I. So I decided that I would make you some breakfeast in bed. But I see that you are already awake so yeah." I laughed and started helping him pick up the pots that had crashed on the floor.

"That sounds like it would have been a very nice thing, but you know for a fact that Tragic would get it and eat it before I would get a chance to. Where is everyone anyway?" I finally noticed that we were the only ones in the house.

"Well Susan is at another fourty-eight hour shift , and Max took Tagity for a walk around town today. So we don't have to worry about anything today." He said while grabbing my hands and pulling me into a kiss. When he pulled away he looked my right in the eyes and told my to go back to bed. I didn't feel like fighting with him, so I went back to our room and right back to my deep slumber.

I was awoken by the presence of Billy at the end of our bed hold a tray with some eggs and a cup of coffee to get my day started. I sat up and thanked him while taking a sip of my drnk. "So what do you have planned or this marvelous day?" I then asked.

He smiled at me while taking a bite of my eggs, "It's going to be a suprise okay?" I agreed and finihsed my breakfeast.

After I finished breakfeast me and Billy had our mornign shower then got dressed. I decided on wearing a flowered blue sunfress with some tan light heels. Billy had gone with a black flannel shirt and his blue jeans.

"Well don't you look nice." I complemented him as I came up behind him and kissd his neck.

"Hey baby, you ready to go?" I nodded and we left the house.

On the drive Billy had his hand in my thigh, he was nervious about something I just couldn't tell what.

After driving for at least half an hour he finally stopped the car and we got out. He grabbed the stuf for lunch and we set off towards a feild.

This feild was beautiful, there were feilds that seemed to stretch on forever. But something stuck out from the rest. I was a single elm tree in the centre of the feild. I was beautiful.

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now