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It's been two weeks since Billy and I have moved back to California together. The dizzyness has gone away for the most part, ohter than the random times I will get dizzy. I still haven't been able to eat anything and keep it down for mre than an hour. Becuase of theis I still haven't been able to get a job.

Billy went back to work last week, but he decided to only work till one now.

I was cleaning the counters in the kitchen when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Max wasn't suppose to be here till next week. I opened the door to find Charlotte. She has a tray of lasonia in her hands. "Hi there, Ash right?" I nodded "I brought you some food, I was wondering if I could come in though I won't be staying long."

I checked the colck, 12:30pm. I sighed "Sure why not."

Charlotte walked in and I took the food from here hands. She took a seet at the kitchen table as I continued to clean up the kitchen.

"How have you two been?"

Not sure why she would ask I responded. "Fine, why do you ask?"

"It's just you two just moved here just a few weeks ago, and when I was with Neil we ended up moving back in with his parents."

I laughed a little, not in a rude manor just that it was funny. "No we're doing fine no reasons to move back to Hawkins."

Charlotte got more comoftable in her seet. "what time is Billy coming home at?"

"One. You know he's not going to like you being here. I have tried talkling multplie times about you, and each time he has told me to stop." I then sat down at the table with her.

"I really need to talk to him, just to apologise to him."

As I went to lay my head forward suddnely I became really dizzy. I leaned forward rubbing my eyes, then resting my forhead n my hands.

"Ash dear, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just am really dizzy thats all."

Charlotte then stood up and went to the sink "Are the cloths under the sink?" I barrely nodded as My headache got worse. She came back moments later with a wet cloth, she brought me to the couch and I layed down with the cloth now on my head.

I woke to the sound of Billy and Charlotte argueing.

"That's what you want to apoligies for?"

"Look I really did mess up, can you please just try and forgive me?"

"Why would I, the last time I trusted you was before you decided to leave me and start a new family without me."

They stopped immeditely once they heard me mumble Billy's name. He cam eright over to me asking if I needed anything as I sat up.

"No I think I'll be good."

"How far alonng are you?" Charlotte suddenly asked making the both of us look at her.

"What do you mean? Ash isn't expecting." Suddenly he looked at me "Right?"

I shook my head no. "I'm not."

"Motherly instinct I guess, see you two soon." She said and then left leaveing Billy and me very comfused.

Standng up I looked at him. "I'm not, right?" Then went over to the kitchen to do something else becuase he didn't give me a responce.

"I mean It could have happeneed, because like two weeks ago we did-"

I cut him off clearly annoyed with everything. "Yeah I know." Not wanting to deal with it went to the front door and started to put my shoes on.

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now