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"Billy I don't care if you don't want to. You need to eat."

"No." He said firmley just like a todler. Billy had woken three day's after the crash with me by his side. He blammed himself for it when he say my new set of stitches. He refused to leave his bed, refused to eat, he refused to do pretty much anything. Honestly I felt bad for him, so then I was the one getting him to do the things. Right now I am currentleyt trying to get him to eat for the third time today, he had breakfeast, but not lunch. So he need to eat.

"If you don't eat I will leave you here by youself. You want that?" Now I have the upper hand. He looked away from me and mumbled no. "Good then, eat." I said holding up a fork with a peice of chicken on it right to his mouth.

"I can do it." He said sarcastically grabbing the for and eating it. I smiled at him, then he noticed me. "Why you smiling, you think it's funny I'm in pain?"

I laughed at that responce knowing very well the pain meds weren't going arnywhere but in his body. "You poor baby." I booped his nose. "I know for a well known fact that you are not in pain becuase I was the one to get you your medss. The reason I was laughing is because you reminded me of my little sister."

Now that comfused him, I could just tell by the expression change with his face. "You have a sister?"

The is going to be a hard topic, but I am willing to tell him since I want to gain his trust. "Had a sister... She killed herself in her bedroom when she was thirteen. She was just bullied to much and well she couldn't take it anymore. The one day walked into her room to go wake her up" I took a deep breath in, the out "And found her there in her closet."

My head lowered Breaking eye contact with Billy's. He grabbed one of my hands with his free hand. That made me look up finally. He kissed the back of my hand, and slowly rubed his thumb along my hand. "Look, I truley and so sorry. I can tell this is a hard topic, so don't worry about having to explane to me alright?"

God he was so sweet. That only made me fall harder for him. No I can't, he'll just break my heart once again. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being you, I don't know any other way to say this but your an amazing person. You just need to show people that."

"But being nice show's weekness, and you know for a fact I don't show lots of people weekness."

"You did for me, for you step mom, and Max. We don't judge you about it, I don't know if you didn't notice but we all tend to enjoy being around you when your nicer, or in your words 'shows weekness'." Shit, please don't tell me I messed up again. I really don't want to loose him again.

Just then there was a small nock on the door and two red heads poked their heads in the door. I quckley invited the in quietly, becuase Billy had tuned his head away thinking it was the nurse come to do something to his wounds. Max and her mom came up behind me and we all smiled waiting for Billy to turn his head. "Billy" Susan said.

He immidietly tuned his head and pulled her in for a hug, then did the same with Max. They were use to that now, him giving them hug's and being nicer to them since we knew that his dad was perminetly gone now.

"See I told you." I smirked at him once again. The two cave me and Billy both a weird look. "Oh nothing, just from a conversation earlier."

Billy decided to break the silence between all of us. "So Max, do anything fun today?"

She sat down on one chair an I immedietly got up to allow Susan to sit there. I stood that the foot of the bed playign with the hem of the blanket. "Yeah actually. So in school there are these boys I hang out with and they started a band. They needed lead singer, and I agreed. We're called Broken Bones. It's really cool actually. Dustin plays the drums, Mike has the Electric Guitar, Will's got the keyborad, Me on vocal's, and lastly Lucas with Acustic Guitar as well."

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now