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Before I knew it it was already morning. I woke before Billy and quietly went to the kitchen. I started to heat the cettle, as I grabbed two cups for coffee. As I waited for the water to boli, I quicly let Tragity outside to play, when he came back inside the house I fed him some of his food. By then thae water had started to boil.

I quickly went over and poured the water into the cups and put in the coffee. As I stirred the sugar in our drinks I suddenly felt a pair of arms slip around my waist. "Morning, my love." I said calmly as he planted a kiss in my cheek.

He sat down at the kitchen table and frowned at my while taking a sip of the coffee.

"Something wrong with it, because it is just how I made it before."

"No, not that. It's just. You remeber your first day of work, and you said morning and I had that little fuss?" I nodded slowly, "Well you said it was becuase your life was awful. And yet you still haven't said good morning. Is something going on that you aren't telling me?"

"Billy, nothings going on, trust me. My life is far from misreble, I just don't have everything to make it perfect, or at least as perfect as I want it to be." Then it was him that slightly nodded his head confused. "Look, I'm not married yet, I'm not a mother yet, I don't have two dog's."

"Yet you still have me, you have Max and Susan, you have one of the two dogs, and one day you will have it all."

"And till then, Morning to you as well."

"You are so stuburn," I laughed at his remark. Then walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the lips, "Thank you, I needed that today."

Smiling at him I respnded "Anytime love." Then another quick kiss "So, today we need to go shopping for everything. Also go job hunting." He agreed and we started to talk about what jobs we would want.

After a bit we fianlly decided on our jobs. I would work at a daycare, and Billy became a lifecuard. Now all we needed to do was find the jobs.

Once we finished our coffee we were off. Our first stop was a hardware store.

We got out, locked the doors and went into the store hand in hand.

As we entered I felt the cool breeze of the A.C in my skin. Billy led my to the paint section and we started looking through the diffent colours for the rooms.

The final clolour were, a brght greyish whiteish colour for our room, a bold yet comforting yellow for one room upstairs, a blue grey colour for the other room. For the office downstairs we decided on making it a nice tan colour. The kitchen would be a brighter tan, as well as the living room and bathroom. The hallways it is going to be the bright tan as well.

We walked over to the paint brushes, and as we were looking through to find the right ones we saw two people we thought I never find.

"Mom?" Billy said and walked over to the woman who was currently looking at some door knobs.

"William, I thought I'd never see you again." She reached her hand up to touch his face, but he quickly swatted her hand away.

"Who's this?" He said pointing to the kid that I knew as Pizza dilivery boy.

"William, this is you younger brother, Mason."

"How old are you?" Billy asked Mason.

"I'm 13, how old are you?" Mason clearly didn't understand what was going on.

Suddenly Billy snapped at his mom. "How could you!"

"Billy." I warned reminding him we are in public.

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now