My Job

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It had been almost a whole month since I've lived with the Mayfields and I would have to say that they treat me as their own family member. Well, except for Billy, of course. For some weird reason the only time he was nice to me and cared for me was when I was in a near death situation and almost died. Then one night he decided that I would be fine on my own.

Billy is attractive, there is no doubt about that. He is also one big stupid fucking jerk, and I want to hate him. I really do, but no matter what I always just end up crying myself to sleep, all because the one person that I am in love with hates me. Well that's what it feels like anyways.

I was currently laying down in my bed waiting for my alarm to go off. I just have to wait four more minutes before staring up right at the roof in front of my view. I wasn't tired, I was nervous. I had finally decided on getting a job, but the only job that I was able to get was at the pool. It just so happened to be where Billy worked.

Might be wondering why on earth did you get a job there Ash? Well simply, Billy wouldn't dive me anywhere else if I needed him to. So there really wasn't much of a choice at all.

I would get to spend the whole day with Billy, because the staff was low so they had two people work one shift for twelve hours. It sounded awful, it really did, but I got twelve hours to try my best to bond with Billy before he gows off to fuck random whores. Today is my first day and I want to give it a shot.

My alarm went off and I got ready to put on my red one piece and some 'Hawkins lifeguard' shorts. I grabbed my bag and put a towel, conditioner, shampoo, a brush, and a clean pair of clothes.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. All the stiches had come out and there were now just scars left all over my body. I hated it, but to be honest it did look really cool. I went downstairs to find Max with her mom at the table eating some toast.

"Morning you two, what are your plans for the day?" I said going over to the counter to get a glass of water.

"Well since you have work now I decided that I would spend the day with my mom and see what she does all day." Max responded with a smile. Sounds like a good enough answer to me.

Just then Billy came downstairs. " Good morning, I'm off to work. Ash, let's go." He said the first part nicely to his step mom and sister, but snapped at me all of a sudden for no reason. Well there was probably a stupid reason for it, he always did find something to piss him off.

I quickly followed behind Kissing Max on the forehead and hugging Susan bye. As I entered his car and put my bag in the back along side his, he quickly sped off towards the pool.

"Morning?" He suddenly spoke.

"Morning to you too?" Not sure what was going on.

"What, no. Why did you say morning, not a good morning." Oh, that was his stupid bicker today. Really stupid in my opinion, but I felt like it was his way of finding something to talk to me about. They were honest questions that he could just ask normally, but everything was either a biker or a fight between us too.

"Well in order for me to say 'good morning' it would have to be a good morning. In my life, right now there is no such thing as that, so instead of letting everyone's day be ruined I just pretend I'm okay." He really did want to talk, and I was willing to talk to him. Just in his version. So when my response completely snapped back at him.

"Why?" there was silence between us two now. He hadn't snapped at me. Then he continued to speak. "You basically intruded my life and the other two's, you are treated so damn well and yet your life is so awful. You spoiled brat."

I stayed silent for the rest of the way till we pulled into the parking lot of the pool. "Billy, why do you always have to assume the worst in people? The reason that I got this job is so I can move out as soon as I can, because I feel like such a fucking burden to your family. I'm just trying to get by every ingle day without being a problem for everyone, and once I've saved up enough I will leave you alone to." With that I grabbed my bag and slammed the door shut and stormed my way to the entrance to the pool.

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now