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I woke to the smell of bacon coming from downstairs. I checked the time and it was 7 am.

Remembering everything from the previous night made me not want to go downstairs. Yet I just had to, I was so hungry right now.

Changing into a different pair of clothes for the day I finally headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. Only to find Billy there cooking some bacon and eggs. There were pancakes already on a plate that sat on the counter.

I slowly crept over to Billy still not completely feeling safe with the fact that he had randomly snapped at me the night before.

He turned around hearing the floor creek where I had stepped. "Ash, good morning beautiful. I made you your favourite, pancakes, bacon, and eggs." I didn't know what to do, I just stood there staring at him waiting for him to snap once again. "Ash, come sit down, please. I don't want you or the baby to starve." With that, I sat down and he handed me a plate with the proper utensils to go with it. I grabbed the food I wanted and started eating.

Billy took a seat across from me and started dishing himself up.

We both sat in silence. I still hadn't spoken to him, I'm just not sure what would happen if I did. He decided to stop the silence though. "I know you had planned on driving me to work, but I got someone else to fix the car while you went on your walk last night." I continued to give him the silent treatment. He put his fork down with a bit of frustration causing me to flinch a bit. "Look, I'm sorry for last night okay?" I simply nodded and continued eating. "Do you think we can forget last night ever happened?" I didn't say or do anything but continued to eat.

Billy glanced up at the clock and breathed out. "I need to go to work." Then he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before continuing. "I love you, and we'll talk more about everything before once I get home promise." With that, he left. Leaving me there, to clean his mess.

Joy woke from her nap and slowly walk over to me for some attention. "What am I going go to do?" I said as I pet her head.

After finishing eating I packed up all the food and put it in the fridge. Once I fed the dogs I then sat down at the table in silence.


I sat on the floor with my face hiding within my knees. My dad was yelling at me for something that had happened.

My mother had left and he didn't know why. I did though, and I told him why she left. She was just simply getting some more eggs because we were going to make a cake. He didn't believe me though and started yelling and throwing things around the house.

All a sudden my wrist was grabbed by him and I was pulled out of my position. "Ashtion, look at me." I didn't though, I couldn't, but he didn't like that and grabbed my jaw forcing our eyes to meet. "When I say Look at me you better fucking look at me." He snapped at me causing me to let out the tears I had been holding back.

This only made him chuckle and tighten the grip around my jaw. "You pathetic peice of shit, you better tell me where your mother is, or your going to regret it." And again I did tell him and he didn't believe me.

He releised me from his grasps and walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a glass coffee cup from off the counter, and without a second thought threw it at me. He missed by three inches.

Just then my mom walked back into the house and saw what had just happened. Becuase of her inability to stand up for herself or anyone her that matter she looked at the two of us and put the grocheries down, walked over to the sink, wet a cloth and brought ot to me to clean the cut that the brocken glass had caused.

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now