I love you

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I knocked on the door of what was suppose to be my mothers new house. Not long after my mom opened the door. She immedietly pulled me into a hug, and I hugged her back. "Oh, Ash look how you've grown."

That's when it remebered, she hadn't seen me since over a year ago. "You look a lot better mom." I said while entering her house. "So where do we start?"

She lead me to the kitchen and pulled out multiple box's. "So we need to unpack these into the kitchen, ready?" I nodded and opened up a box.

"Did you happen to leave dad anything?" I said while pulling out their anique dishes.

"Yes, I left him all the things he needed. Not wanted, just needed."

"How on earth were you able to get all this. Becuase I know for a fact that dad wouldn't have let you take this all."

"He was out drinking." There was an akward silence. "Okay enough about you father. How hanve you been. All I know is that you moved here with you boyfriend... oh what's his name?"

I laughed a little. "His name is Billy, and he is my fiance acually." Then I shown her my ring.

"Oh that's beautiful Ash, you are a very lucky girl."

We cleaned for a bit more in solence before I finally had an idea.

"So mom."

"So Ash?"

"You should come over to my house for supper some night."

"You know that would be very nice. Is there any reason for it?"

"No just want you to meet Billy and see our dogs."

"You two have dogs, oh I can't wait to come over."

"We've got two. Tragity and Joy."

"Why may I ask have you named them that?"

I let out a little chuckle. "Well Billy and me had gotten into a crash, and while we were recovering we found Traigty on the streets and decided on keeping him and nameing him after what had happened to us." She nodded "And as for Joy, we had just moved into our house, and Billy decided on getting a dog."

"You planning on getting any more?"

"No, Just the two."

"How about kids? Planning on having any?" I stopped putting away the cups and looked at her causing her to stop cleaning the utensals and look at me. "What is it honey?"

"Mom, Billy and I are already going to have a child."

"Are you two planning on adopting?" She was ao oblivious.

"No, I'm pregnant."

She dropped the forks and looked at me. "Are you serious?" I nodded and then she immediately pulled me into a hug "Oh, I'm going to be a grandma." She said joyfully, then took my hands and looked me in the eyes. "How far along are you? Do you two have names picked out?"

"Mom, mom, calm down please." I said catching her attention once more. We both sat down at the dinnng room table before I continued. "I'm four months along, so there is plenty of time to think of names. So no, we haven't though of names yet."

My mom sat there just thinking. It was killing me sitting there in silence waiting for a responce to mine. I stirred in my seet keeping my eyes on her.

Finally she seemed to have snapped back into reality. "I'm just so exited. But never mind that, shall we get back to moving in?" I nodded and we went back to it.

After hours of moving stuff into the new house almost everything was done. It was starting to get dark out and Billy was going to be home in around eight tonight, for something he needed to tell me I guess. "Mom are you sure you don't need any help with the rest?" I said while i was being practically shoved out the front door.

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now