The Move

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"Billy it's time to get going." I said to him as he was repitidley saying goodbye. Susan, Max, her band, and Steve were all there. Steve had been my friend sice I came to live in Hawkins, so it would only be fair if he said goodbye.

"Bye" Both Billy and I said as I started driving off with him and Tragity in the back. "Ready for this?" I asked as I held out my hand for him to take. He greatfully took while saying ready. Just then Trigity jumped into the front seet onto Billys lap. We laughed at him becuase he he wasnt a small dog, and when he jumped into the front he almost fell out of the window doing so.

Tragity just came to the front of the veicle for the attention and to stick his head out the window to feel the wind in his face.

Billy put in his mixtape and right away Highway To Hell started playing, we both started singing along to it. As we were singing Tragity started singing along with us. The veicle was full of noise, Tragic barking, Billy and me singing, the radio blasting music, and the engine roaring as we were on the highway. Everything is perfect.

We made out final stop of the night at the Midnight Inn. Billy quickly paid for a room as I let Tragity out to use the bathroom.

Once the room was paid for I let the dog and Billy in before me. Tragity jumped right onto the bed and layed down. "Oh I don't think so. I got you a couch and you can sleep on it." And as Billy said that Tragity went right from the bed to the couch within seconds.

"Billy I really don't mind if he sleeps on the bed with us." I say as I rest my head on his shoulder.

He put his arms around my shoulders and squeezes my arm. "We're really doing this."

"Yeah we are."

The next morning we woke and quickly packed our things and left the Inn. Billy decided on driving today becuase he wanted to pick where we were going to eat this morning.

After around five minutes of driving, Billy pulls into tyhe drivway of a diner. I quickly gave Tragity some food and water, and lefty the windows open just an inch, before locking the car and heading inside the diner with Billy. He took me to a booth and we ordered our breakfeast. Wer were sitting in silence for a bit before I decided to talk.

"So how long will it take to get there?"

"I don't know, all I knnow is where we are going." Then he pulled out a map and unfolded it in front of us. I pulled out a pen from my pocket and held it over the table. He took it and started drawing a line over top of some raods, he stopped tracing the raods when he reached California. "So I want to get there as soon as we can."

I agreed, and then moments later out food arived and we ate.

After we finished and paid and headed back to the car. I let Tragity out for him to go to the bathroom before we hit the road once more.

As we were driving I stqrted to think back to the diner, and how everone looked at me. This made me feel really self concious about myself and of how everybody back in Hawkins just exepted me for how I looked. But we aren't in Hawkins anymore, we're heading to Califoria where we origanally met.

Billy seemed to notice the fact that I was a lot more silent. "Hey Ash are you okay?" He said while glancing over at my.

"Yeah I guess, I'm just scared that everyone there will judge me. I mean what if they do? Then you'll be judged for being with me, and I don't want to ruin things for you." Tears now started to fall down my cheeks "I won't know what to do with myself. I mean look at me, I look awful all scarred nothing perfect-"

"You are far from awful. Ash look at me." I didn't, I just couldn't do it. "You have the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen, you have the most perfect hair honestly I'm jelous of how good it looks this early in the morning. You have the most beautiful skin," I scoffed at that "Ash. No one is perfect, no one is meant to be perfect. But you are as close as perfect that I can see. Isn't that enough?"

Soft Spot - Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now