Dancing in the moonlight, missing you (angst) VALENTINES SPECIAL

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Happy valentines day! Im spending my valentines away from my wife, cuz moving and all. So that sucks. This is a partial vent in a way? But also lore :3

(Reminder Canon Beeduo was romantic. I am in no way shape or form shipping the irl creators. Especially with their falling out [and boundaries duh])


did I miss anything?

Together they swayed in the moonlight, hands clasped together. Their bodies moved in almost perfect sync as their feet pushed them around. Both of their eyes were shut—for they were calm and happy. They were yin and yang, just so perfect for each other. They lived the romance of a fantasy, one of Cinderella and her prince having a happy ever after. Snow white wishes she could be them.

The shorter of the two laid his head on the taller's chest, listening to the enders heartbeat as they danced. "We'll meet again" played softly in the background. It was their favorite song after all, its deep lyrics and well played instruments were just divine. They adored it.

Tubbo began to hum to the tune of the song, his husband looking down at him. The ender looked at the ram softly, what did he do to deserve such a fantasy life. A perfect marriage with a son, a mansion and two loving partners. It was a dream surely.

If it was a dream, Ranboo hopes they never wake up. They hope to live in this dream forever.

The two continued to sway, their slow dancing  allowed the sand to stay practically undisturbed with each step. Only few particles were kicked up into the air. The little rocks shined in the moonlight, brilliant blues and vibrant purples. Oh it looked like fairy dust, what a darling fantasy to live in. They hope to never wake up.

Tubbo looked up at his partner, he wrapped his arms tightly around the enders neck. He pushed his face into the crook of their neck, letting out a sigh of comfort. They had stopped dancing, instead opting to hug comfortably in the moonlight.

The ocean beside them swayed calmly, they could have sworn they heard a whale singing in the distance. The moon herself seemed to sing along, as she did her vibrant light danced around to the melody. It showed on the sand, the trees, the tide and even on them.

" Happy Valentines Day my Bee. I love you so much. " The enderman squeezed their partner, if water didn't burn so bad perhaps they would cry too.

" Happy Valentines Day my Boo. Love you too, forever and always. " Tubbo could only smile brightly, as bright as the sun themself. For the day was perfect, and so was the night.

Just then Ranboo lifted Tubbos chin, forcing their eyes to meet. He had a look on his face, this look wasn't the one he had before. It wasn't soft, it wasn't kind and it definitely wasn't full of love. It looked sad, it looked regretful and it especially looked scared.

Tubbo cupped the split beings face in his hands, his face softened to one of worry.

" Its not your fault. "

" What? " He continued to look at the ender, full of confusion and worry.

" Its not your fault. "

" Ranboo!? Whats going on?!" He grew scared, he grew so very worried.

" Its not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. "

Now tears were streaming down his eyes, he was sad and he was frightened.

" You didn't do it. Its not your fault. "

" WHATS NOT MY FAULT!? " He screamed at the taller, his eyes teared like waterfalls.

" This. "

The world faded out. And Ranboo was gone.

He was at the beach Ranboo had taken him all those years ago. The bench stood there. "T x R" stood engraved on the back. The flower bed they planted was also still there, the alliums it homed were dead.

The moon looked sad, her once vibrant dancing beams stood still. It looked as if she was grieving.

He made his way to the beloved bench (as they named it). He ran his hand up and down the little engravings all around it. From the little doodle Micheal made to the crown Ranboo drew.

His cheeks became wet, hot tears raced down them.

Who was he kidding? To think Ranboo would still be alive. Not after the accident.

Looks like he is due another trip to Dr.Puffy. The meds are obviously wearing off again.

He could remember the accident now. The Beloved family were walking to the Minecraft household. They were to have a family gathering.

The man in the bushes had other ideas, as he drew his gun and stuck it at the back of the enders head.

Tubbo had to swiftly grab Micheal and cover his ears, holding his face close to his chest. He had to stop Micheal from hearing his pleas, to let his husband go and to take their money. To take him instead, to take their vault of diamonds.

But it was no use, this man had a goal to shed blood that day. It was a wrong place and wrong time thing.

The man smiled as he pulled the trigger. Even in his last moments Ranboo held a similar smile, one of less malicious intent and more of love. He smiled as he held Tubbos hand, squeezing it till he finally passed. He smiled as he pet Micheals hair for the last time.

His old life was such a dream, but this one? It was a nightmare.

No matter what, he knows it was his fault. After all he could have stopped the damned murderer. But at the time his mind was so clouded he failed to notice how.


" Happy Valentines Day Boo. I love you, forever and always. " He sobbed as he placed the flowers on the Beloveds grave. " Im so sorry I wasn't strong enough to save you. "

He could have sworn he felt a cold clawed hand on his shoulder, but he'll never know for sure.

He'll never know if the " Don't know where. Don't know when " he heard was actually Ranboo, and will never know for sure.

RIP Ranboo End Beloved. May you rest in the sky right besides the lady in the moon.


1048 word count
Hehe oh boy do I love causing a lil depresso with my stories :3

Happy Valentines Day my lovely taken folk and my single bitches.

Eat a lot of heart candies and choco

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