September 1st

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any other referenced properties.

Author's note: This book is a rewrite of a different one I wrote as I wasn't happy with the flow of the original. 

Y/n's POV: 

The house was in pandemonium as we all dashed around attempting to rediscover lost socks and misplaced ties that had been scattered across the house during the summer. We had spent most of the summer with the Order in Grimald place ,mostly cleaning. However when you have a family as large as mine it doesn't take much to utterly wreck the house. This year there was a particularly large pile of junk on the second floor landing due to the twins 'experiments' over the summer. Mum hated the clutter but even she was growing a little fonder of the twins joke products most of which we had gotten a lot of use out of over the summer. 

I Stumbled up the crooked stairs haphazardly my vision blocked by the hefty bundle of robes, ties, socks and my favorite pair of scarlet pajamas. I had refused to make multiple trips from the crowded kitchen. 

"Watch out" Fred shouted as he and George barreled past me scattering my neatly folded clothing to the ground.

"Watch where you're going Assholes" I yelled after them, ignoring the chiding remark from my mother due to my fowl language, and began to gather the crumpled cloths off of the splintered floor cursing my brothers under my breath. Once all of my garments had been collected I finished the last few stairs to my bedroom door, soldered it open, and threw my cloths onto my frayed star patterned bedspread. As I crossed the room I nearly tripped over my trunk which I had left in the middle of the carpeted floor.    

I began to refold the robes that had scattered on the floor and stuff them into my trunk in piles along with some everyday cloths for the weekends and visiting hogsmead. My new books for the year had rested securely in my trunk since the day I purchased them. After everything that had happened last year I had had to take  a break from school, the order had kept me busy enough. I had been up to my ears in cobwebs and magical pests all summer. 

I hummed absentmindedly  to myself as I packed the last of my possessions into the leather trunk then sat on the lid to force it closed. I struggled with the rusty clasp for a split second before forcing it closed and straightening up prepared to  lug my trunk down the narrow stairs and back into the bustling kitchen. Mum hastily stuffed a ham and cheese sandwich into my hand then directed me to the roaring fire and offering me a chipped plant pot filled with fine black flu powder. 

"Right dear, you need to return to Grimald place and Moody will bring you to the station" babbled my mum "Your father and I will be along shortly". Just before I stepped into the fire mum pulled me into a smothering hug.

"Mum I can't breath" I chuckled even as I hugged her back just as hard. 

"Promise me you'll be safe this year" She said as we separated. I stared at her wide eyed, my last few years at Hogwarts had been eventful to say the least and with 'you know who' returning I was reluctant to make a promise I wasn't sure I could keep. After lingering for a second I gave a short nod not quite meeting her eyes then threw my flu powder into the flames and ,as they glowed emerald, stepped into them carrying my trunk, turned on the spot and vanished from the comfortable kitchen of my home and reappearing in a very different Kitchen in Grimald place. 

This room was significantly less crowded than the room I had just departed however from the second I stumbled out of the fire onto an ashy rug there was an undeniable sense of urgency. Moody all but shoved my up the cobbled steps to the front door then out onto the grungy grey London street outside. It was here that I reunited with Tonks who's hair for the day was a startlingly bright bubblegum pink. She smiled warmly at me saying "Were waiting for the last of your siblings then well get you on the night bus." 

I nodded and then strode over to where Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing in a huddle discussing the possibility for the new deference against the dark arts teacher this year. We all knew that Dumbledore had been struggling to find a replacement since most now believed the job was cursed. However we had more or less exhausted the subject over the summer and soon the topic changed and  Hermione began to speculate about who (apart from Ron and herself) would have received a prefects badge. 

"If Malfoys got one I think I'm gonna kill myself" groaned Ron  in irritation. 

"Don't say that" chided Hermione giving him a half slap on the arm and frowning. 

"Yeah cause with what the profits been writing I doubt who got prefect is gonna make or brake our year" I said dully. The Daily Prophet had been pumping out a steady stream of garbage since the beginning of the summer, denying Harry and Dumbledore's claims and doing everything in their power to discredit them and their supporters. It was disgusting and, more importantly, dangerous if no one believes hes back then no one  will think to protect themselves. It scared me to think of how much we had to loose. 

"Surely someones gotta believe us. They can't all be utter twats" declared Ron causing all of us to chuckle. 

"Kids get over here were ready to go" called Remus beckoning us over then sticking out his wand arm into the road. Seconds later there was a deafening pop and a large violet triple decker bus appeared on the road side.  Seconds later the exuberant conductor bounded out of the doors with a wide grin plastered on his face. 

He had messy brown hair and more freckles than even my ginger haired siblings. His eyes were a slightly dusty grey but shone with joy as he loudly declared "My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for your journey today. Where is it that you would like to go?" 

"Kings cross station" Said Tonks ushering all of us onto the bus. There wasn't enough seats together so we split up into three groups Ginny, Fred, George and I stayed on the bottom floor of the bus while the others continued up. Fred and George's pockets budged with sweets which I quickly recognized their skiving snack boxes presumably they had hidden them from Mum who especially disproved on that particular product and who had attempted to destroy their whole stock over the summer when she discovered they were doing owl order out our back room.  

Suddenly the bus lurched forwards and with another deafening crack we were rocketing down a twisting country lane coming at a stop outside a tiny cottage nestled into the road side, almost completely obscured by the untamed brush surrounding it. It looked as though it had come straight from the well worn pages om my copy of the tales of beadle the bard. An old woman shuffled off of the bus aided by a bronze cane I smiled at her as she passed by and she persed her lips in return. 

We stopped twice more before the bus juddered to a halt at kings cross station. Once by a Chrystal blue translucent sea and once in a crowded town. The muggles populating the busy streets we sped down seemed indifferent to the bus even as it swerved erratically up onto the pavement.If the my family had never taken me in I would be leaving an orphanage today to go to school. Even though I grew up in  a pure blood house hold curtain Slytherin's are always eager to remind me that in actuality I'm muggle born. I try not to think of the life I might of had but It's at times like this I really appreciate Magic.


Kings Cross station was bustling with people mostly muggles but there was a cluster of wizards in front of the ticket booth to 9 and 3/4  strolling through the station so that they could pass through to board the Hogwarts express. 

I ran at the barrier with my dad passing through onto the busy platform. It didn't take long for me to start catching familiar faces through the smoke of the engine. Neville smiled at me giving an enthusiastic wave but Lavender brown, who I had previously been a good friend of mine, gave me an evil look which her mother mirrored perfectly. I guess she reads the profit. Our family had been named as Dumbledore supporters last week. 

I pushed it from my mind as we exchanged final good byes and many, many hugs before dragging out trunks onto the train and leaning out the window to say our final goodbyes. "I'll write when we get there I promise" I shouted to mum. 

She smiled widely and chuckled "you Better. I hope you all have a great year." And then in a more serious tone "Fred, George I don't want a letter home before Christmas" 

"It's Fine mum" Muttered George 

"We'll be good" added George as the train began to pull out of the station blowing clouds of smoke. I waved until the train turned the corner and Mum and Dad were out of sight then turned away. 

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