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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any other referenced properties. 

Y/n's POV: 

The next few days dragged by in a repetitive cycle of meals, lessons and studying. Mattheo still hadn't apologised and though he was making an attempt to be a half way decent person, especially in potions, I was still resolutely ignoring him and my friends followed suit doing the same. 

"He's staring again" hissed Ron at breakfast on Friday glancing over at the brunette who's eyes had not wavered from my face in minuets. 

"Let him." I replied taking a bight of my porridge and, due to it being straight from the pot, burning my tongue a little. As I sheepishly sipped some water, ignoring Harry's chuckles beside me, Fred and George strode over and leaned on the table not bothering to sit down as they each grabbed a hand full of toast. 

"Morning!" said Fred with a smile now smothering his toast in copious amounts of butter and jam. "A little birdy told me you've got Umbridge for the first time today." I sighed I had heard nothing but bad things about the toad but had been fortunate to have my first two defense against the dark arts lessons this year covered as she was 'settling in'.

"Is she as bad as people make her sound?" I asked 

"Yes" said Fred glowering at where she sat at the top table resplendent in a pink frilly dress and a equally pink hat that I truly believe has never been in fashion. "Her personality's worse than her dress sense" he added as she rose to her feet and tottered out the hall. 

"We should get to class then. I'd rather not be late" I said standing up and hefting my bag onto my shoulders. Hermione joined me and we marched out of the hall together heading for the Defense against the Dark arts class room on the thirds floor. Due to our urgency we arrived first and, in no rush to enter, stood in the hallway outside the class. 

Not even a minuet later Mattheo came round the corner, alone. He looked at me and for the first time in days I met his eyes glaring at him communicating with out words the agony he had put me in and my absolute hatred for him in that moment. He stared straight back at me regret clouding his normally stony eyes. I looked away pushing off the sympathy that had somehow risen in my chest. I wasn't sorry for my actions, he should be sorry for his.

He had walked towards me whilst I had been consumed by my thoughts and now stood directly in front of me. Keeping my eyes fixed on his shoe's I waited for him to speak. 

"I'm sorry" He whispered. I didn't instantly respond taken aback by this words, as much as I had longed for his apology I had never expected to receive it, for him to admit he was wrong. "I shouldn't have called you a... what I called you. It was a mistake"  I nodded still looking at the ground but now to hide the emotion in my face. He wasn't the first to call me a Mudblood but he was the first to apologize and the sudden release of emotion left me fighting back tears. "Please look at me." he continued "I'm sorry, I'll do better, I didn't mean it" 

I looked up and saw his face desperate, apologetic and kind "I know" I whispered meeting his eyes. "and I think I forgive you" I said giving him a brief soft smile. 

He smiled back "well at least potions will be a lot less awkward next week" he joked

"Hey lets not take this too far. I still don't like you remember. I just don't hate you anymore either." I said chuckling slightly. 

"Hey progress" he said with a smile just as Enzo, Harry and Ron walked up the passageway towards lesson. Under their gaze I became suddenly very aware of how close we had become and also of Hermione leaning against the wall behind me with raised eyebrows. I took a step backwards and with a final tight lipped smile at Mattheo I turned back to Hermione and the boys. 

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