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Disclaimer: I Don't own Harry Potter or any other referenced properties 

Y/n's POV:

For the rest of the weekend Ron continued to brood but I ignored him and spent my weekend with Angelina and the twins playing quidditch and teasing the giant squid in the lake until we got shouted at by Snape and ran away before he could give us detention. The weather was getting colder now a biting reminder that it would soon be winter so I was trying to spend as much time outside as possible before the mountains turned snow caped and it became too cold to be outside. 

When I returned to the commonroom on Sunday night I was shivering and dripping from the sudden downpour outside but I was happy. My chestnut hair had turned black and now dripped steadily onto the carpet. I shook my head violently at Fred and George splattering mud and water everywhere and drenching them. 

Hermione walked over looking horrified but also laughing Harry beside her and Ron taking up the rear. "I think I need to wash" I said with a smile allowing a little mud to splatter across Ron's face as I swished my hair dramatically before going to wash. 

Monday dawned cold and gray and I slouched down the stairs into the great hall yawning and began to pile sausages and hash browns on my plate. Just as I finished I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Mattheo. "What do you want?" I asked 

"No hello darling?" he asked smirking at me. 

"No" I said smiling back "What do you want?" I said staring up into his eyes. He rolled his eyes at me and I giggled.

"Walk with me to potions? Enzo's ill and I haven't got many friends" 

"Sure" I said getting up from the bench and began to walk off with him. As I walked past Fred and George they raised their eyebrows at me and I stuck my middle finger up at them as I left. 

The corridors were pretty empty especially as we headed deeper into the boules of the castle. We walked in a comfortable silence until we were outside the classroom and we were both leaning against cold the stone wall that I spoke. 

"You know for someone who couldn't bear to walk alone you sure aren't talking much" I teased tilting my head slightly and just biting my lip.

He rolled his eyes at me and I giggled glancing down. "Maybe I just enjoy your company and am not an interesting person" He said 

"Bull. Shit." I whisper shouted laughing "you're probably the most interesting person I know, maybe bar Harry. I mean you've done so much, you've been through so much" I said looking up into his incredibly brown eyes and found myself smiling softly. We remained there for a second just gazing at each other then he abruptly squeezed his eyes shut and jerked his head away from me. 

"What?" I asked reaching for his shoulder but he shook me off. "What?!" I said again raising my voice. 

"I'm not getting you involved in my shit, that's what" He snarled. 

I stood there for a second jaw locked and shoulders tense. I felt like crying, I always did when someone shouted at me but I continued to stare him down. I swallowed slightly and felt tears prick at my eyes and I turned away from him and walked to the other side of the corridor my back to him determined not begin to cry. 

I heard him huff behind me then foot steps behind me. I knew if I turned around I would be facing his toned chest, I didn't turn around. I wasn't going to turn around. I could hear his breathing behind me he wasn't touching me but he was close. He inhaled deeply and softly whispered "I'm sorry darling". 

I hesitated for a second then turned around and nodded "Okay" 

"You gonna be annoyed at me all lesson?" He asked 

"No"  I said "Bur I'm still mad at you right now" I said 

"I know" He said softly "I just don't want you to get tangled up in my life" he admitted 

"Theo, I'm your friend so if you want to talk I'm here. Always. But you can't just snap at me for nothing without explaining yourself because it hurts" I said. I felt nervousness built in my chest and then he nodded and I stepped forwards and wrapped my arms around his midriff pulling him into a secure hug. 

He tenses for a second, presumably at my unfamiliar action  then he tentatively hugged me back and I felt his body relax. I sighed and closed my eyes  just enjoying being held in his warm embrace. 

"Get the fuck away from my sister" shouted Ron from the end of the corridor followed by a loud "Ow, What the hell Hermione" as she has thwacked him with her extremely hefty book bag. Mattheo had quickly pulled away from me the second he had spoke however and was now standing slightly guiltily looking at my friends and fuming brother as the strode down the passage way. 

"Hi" I said awkwardly.

"Care to explain?" asked Ron 

"Yeah, You're a Dick." I said venom biting at the back of my voice. Hermione, Harry and Theo all laughed (though Theo still looked nervous) and Ron's ears turned steadily red. 

The rest of the class arrived steadily and class passed uneventfully. Snape was less evil to me since I started talking more to Mattheo I think he's scared of him. The rest of the class tends to ignore us. I know some of them are defiantly terrified of him, Neville once asked me how I trusted him with a knife. However I knew his words came from a place of concern not malice and I had never told Theo. The whole lesson Theo hovered behind my solder unless I sent him to get ingredients to get ingredients. (He's terrible at potions so normal I do the actual brewing and he just helps out where he can) Normally he and Enzo mess around so I guess he had nothing better to do.

After potions I headed off to Ancient runes with Hermione waving goodbye to the boys as we headed up the stairs towards the class rooms. As soon as we were out of the hearing range of the others she excitedly blabbered "You totally had a moment with him! Don't lie to me! Do you like him?"

"He's just a friend Hermione" I said despite the fact the memory of that hug was seared perfectly into my brain. 

"Does he know that?" She asked and we both burst into fits of giggles. 

"He's cute okay?" I said still giggling. "I mean who wouldn't like him?"

"Hmm, Your brother? and people who don't like his dad?" She suggested. I rolled my eyes in jokey irritation and we continued chattering until we reached the class. 


 By lunch I was exhausted in ancient runes we had taken almost four pages of notes and absorbed nothing. As I took the first bite of my sandwich I was seriously considering just bunking the rest of the day and going back to my dorm. People really weren't kidding when they said that OWL years were tough I feel like my brains been rinsed out. At least I had a free last period but still I was dead on my feet.

Despite my exhaustion, and mostly due to Hermione's  dramatic warnings that we might learn something important. I found myself trudging through the cold to Hagrid's hut for care of magical creatures. When I got there I saw Mattheo standing alone at the edge of the class so I made my way over to him with a smile which became a yawn a second later. 

"You tired?" He asked he asked 

"mmmh" I grumbled softly and he chuckled

"We could still skip you know?" a cheeky smile had emerged on his face 

"Hermione would actually kill me. You'd have to pull my body out the lake" I sighed 

He tilted his head down to me and said "do you want to come with me last period then? You've got a free, right?" I nodded "Does that mean you'll stay with me?" I nodded again smiling and he smiled too "You know if you're still tired you can rest on me?" he whispered as Hagrid strode out of his hut with nifflers and began to wave at a patch of dirt. 

"Thanks" I whispered back resting my head against his chest and allowing him to put an arm around me in a one armed embrace.

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