What plans?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any other referenced products 

Y/n's POV: 

Breakfast the next day was uneventful. As one Harry and I had come to a non verbal agreement that we would not tell anyone about what had occurred in detention last night; we would not let her win. When Ron had inquired about the plaster on my hand I told him that I slipped on the way back up to the common room. He had seemed unconvinced by my lie but not pried for further details. 

"hey, you want to go see Hagrid this evening?" asked Hermione stumbling over carrying a large stack of books which she set on the table with a thump. 

"Yeah we should. I haven't seen much of him since we got back" agreed Harry with a wide smile. 

"Could we do tomorrow? I'm busy this evening" I said. I did want to see Hagrid but I had agreed to meet Mattheo and wasn't about to go back on my word. Plus I kinda wanted to get to know Mattheo better, away from the accusatory eyes of my friends. I remembered Ron's attitude to Crumb and Hermione last year and was pretty sure he would consider what I was doing 'fraternizing with the enemy' too.

"Really? With what?" asked Hermione curiously. 

"studding. In the library" I said. It wasn't a lie even if it wasn't the complete truth.  

"Can't you study tomorrow?" Ron chimed in. His mouth stuffed full of eggs and bacon. I gave him a disgusted look before continuing .

"I just want to do it while every things fresh in my mind why does it matter so much? Hagrid will be happy to see us today or tomorrow" I said. 

They seemed to accept that argument... for about 20 seconds before Harry and Hermione both beckoned over Fred and George who were both grinning like maniacs. Clearly that had been listening in. 

"Sooo, Who's you study buddy?" asked George. I sighed a resound sigh. They knew, of course they knew their my older brothers they can read me like a book. Still that didn't mean I was gonna tell them straight away this was my opportunity to have fun with it much as Ginny had when she began taking to Dean. Not that Mattheo was like Dean, he's just a friend. I was gonna make them guess. 

"You got three guesses" I said with a smile and watched their faces light up. 

"Please" began George 

"Give us a challenge" finished Fred. 

I rolled my eyes and smiled. The table huddled up and I could hear whispers but never loud enough for me to decipher the words. It only took them a minuet to straighten up identical grins on their faces. 

"Mattheo Riddle" declared George proudly and I persed my lips slightly before smiling in defeat and nodding. Fred and George laughed  appreciatively and clapped me on the back chuckling. 

"Good one little sis. He's a looker" chuckled Fred 

"He's just a friend" I said not denying his other statement with his deep brown eyes and perfectly curly hair it was undeniable that Mattheo was good looking. His scars almost added his good looks as they threaded across his cheekbones extenuating the structure of his face. I realized that my gaze has shifted to where he sat at the Slytherin table as my thoughts had wondered and was drawn out of them by the twins laughter. 

"Sure Y/n you keep telling yourself that" the guffawed my cheeks heated with a slight blush and a smiled a little quickly glancing down at the table.  Fred clapped my on the back still chuckling to himself and the pair left the hall with Lee Jordan no doubt planning another prank, hopefully designed for Umbridge. 

As soon as they departed however our section table was thrust into uncomfortable silence. I was extremely aware of Ron's eyes boring into my head but chose not to acknowledge it. Who was he to say who I could hang out with any way. We're the same age, I could be older than him since the orphanage never found my birth certificate. 

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