Stay with me

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any other referenced properties

Y/n's POV:

I stayed in the hospital wing for a week. Mum and Dad left two days before I was discharged, I was sad to see them go but it was now only a week till christmas so I would at least see her again soon. Hermione had kept me updated on gossip and homework whilst I was in the wing and I had appreciated the stories  of Michael and Lola's Messy brake up, I didn't know either of them that well, but three days into an illness that left me with a constant searing headache there was a tiny and extremely vindictive part of me that was happy I wasn't the only one in pain. 

Theo had visited me every day and stayed for as long as Madam Pomfrey would allow often late into the night even once the rest of my visitors had given in to the matrons tutting and departed.On one night when the throbbing pain in my head and the grinding of my joints had brought me to tears  he had persuaded her to allowed him to stay the night. His hand had never left mine that evening and by the time the pain subsided enough for me to nod of I felt incredibly comforted and loved. When Bill arrived the next morning he took a picture of both of us asleep and mum and dad teased me mercilessly, though good naturally,  when they saw it. 

I was set to leave the hospital wing today and I was glad to be getting out. It's been incredibly dull since during lesson time I was often left alone. Theo was helping me pack up the cloths and books that had made their way to my bedside during my stay, I offered to help but every time I reached for a heavy book he would panic about me feeling faint and try to help. It had annoyed me more than it should but eventually ,after some aggressive negotiation, we reached an agreement and I sat on the bed cross legged folding clothes and finishing my potions homework. 

When Theo stood up after putting the last book into my bag I grabbed his arm and pulled him over to my bed so that he sat facing me. "Can you come to my dorm room tonight?" I asked slightly nervous. 

"Of course my love" He replied and I gave him a soft smile crawling across the bed to meet his waiting arms. His hands moved comfortingly up and down my back as I tucked my head into the crook of his neck releasing a breath I hadn't been aware I was holding. I felt his lips brush my forehead and gazed up into his beautiful tawny eyes. 

"I love you so much" I whispered to him and I felt his grip on my tighten slightly as he replied "Me too" 

At the hospital wing door there was the snap of a camera and we jerked apart to see a grinning Hermione. 


Hermione was very glad to have me back in the dorm that evening and didn't seem to mind that Theo was planning to stay the night. (We had used Harry's invisibility cloak to get him in as I didn't want to be the talk of Hogwarts, for more than one reason) Lavender on the other hand was horrified both by the fact that I hadn't mentioned him and that he would be sleeping in our dorm. 

"Why don't you just sleep in his dorm?" She asked shrilly glowering at Theo 

"Because I want to sleep in my own bed tonight, is that so much to ask?" 

"But Y/n he has a reputation and I for one don't want to..." She was cut off be Theo's laughter 

"First of all my 'reputation' Is nothing to my brothers, don't get us confused" he chortled "and secondly if I wanted to Fuck her do you really think I would do it in a room full of other people. I have tact" 

I blushed scarlet and turned away from the room to unpack my things which had been dumped onto the bed desperately avoiding eye contact with anyone. Lavender seemed a little embarrassed to as she also shuffled over to her bed and declared a little too loudly that she was going to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Despite the confrontation being over Lavenders words had struck a nerve for me, she was right of course before he met me Theo had slept around. I knew that, It wasn't a problem. But I found myself wondering just how many woman he had slept with and If I had any chance of measuring up to them in bed.   

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