The Feast

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter of any related property 

Y/n's POV:

When we reached the entrance hall we were drenched, water sloshing around in our shoes but we were all grinning. Despite all of the shit we've been through in this place it feels incredible to be back in the cobbled entrance hall flooded with the warm caramel light spilling into it from the great hall. My heart seemed to lighten in my chest as we walked in the worries of the daily prophet, the corruption in the ministry and the return of you know who melted away. In their place were thoughts only of the sorting, the feast and then my soft, springy bed in Gryffindor tower.

We were some of the last to enter the hall but it was still buzzing with the eager traffic of those searching for friends in other houses or space with friends on their own. The stared that had clung to us on the train followed us here too but they were less pronounced as many were far to engaged in whatever they were doing to spare a thought for the actions of anyone else. This was a blessing. 

 We found seats at the end of the table near the teachers and settled in. There was always plenty of space down here as most didn't enjoy being under the watchful eyes of Professor Mcgonagall whilst they ate. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hagrid sidal in a sure sign the sorting would soon begin. Sure enough I barely had time to wave over to the ginormous Hagrid before Dumbledore was hushing us in preparation for the sorting. Those who had been visiting friends in other houses scurried back to their own and the doors swung open revealing the pale faced first years dripping mud onto the floor. I smiled to myself a little imagining filches face when he realized he would have to clean that up.  

The trembling first years up the gap between the tables but my attention was drawn away from them for a second as I noticed Mattheo sitting at the Syltherin table surrounded by a cluster of the worst of slytherin. He was feigning interest in the first years but staring at me, I shot him an infuriated glance and pulled a face which he returned like an immature toddler. I realise that I am equally immature for pulling a face in the first place but it was an impulse. 

As the sorting began I did my best to pull my attention away from him but I found myself repetitively looking over to him and each time I would be met with the same slight smirk and raised eyebrows. I found him infuriating and I found my body's peculiar desire to watch him even more so. No matter what I did to distract my eyes sort to see him. Once I had to steady myself as I almost dropped the glower I was sending him in place of a smile. 

I was extremely thankful when the sorting ended for two reasons: the chatter returned to the hall finally aiding me in taring my eyes away from Mattheo, and food. The food burst from the tables after Dumbledore's speech and I dug in famished from the long days travel. When my plate was loaded high with crisp Yorkshire puddings, tender beef, pulled pork and crackling, Roast and mashed potatoes, enough  sauted cabbage, roasted carrots and peas to fuel a small army and Rich meaty gravy I dug in. The food was sensational and from the first bite I was grinning from ear to ear. The meat was succulent, flaky and beautifully seasoned with herbs and spices. The Vegetables had the perfect slight crunch and soaked in the gravy tasted something like heaven on earth. I sighed in contentment. 

Across the table from me Ron had stuffed his face with chicken and potatoes and was now frantically chewing to allow him to finish a conversation with Hermione. Having spent the summer together there wasn't much catching up to do but all of us had thought's on the new defense against the dark arts teacher. Harry claimed to recognize her from the ministry which put all of us one edge. However we were not alone in staring at the new member of faculty due to her decision to wear a tacky and flamboyant shade of luring pink. A little down the table I overheard Padma and Lavender Chuckling to themselves about her ... Interesting fashion statement. 

Once we had all finished the first course Dumbledore stood to speak before dessert. His calm, slightly horse  voice filling the room completely as he said "Welcome to our new students and to our old students welcome back! Lessons will begin this on Monday, as I'm sure many of you wish to revive old acquaintances over the weekend or perhaps form new ones." He smiled a genuine smile across the hall. "Lastly we have a new member of staff this year, allow me to introduce professor Umbridge" he nodded to the woman in pink. No one applauded, quite a few people were looking at her with obvious contempt and confusion. As Dumbledore opened his mouth to finish speaking the toad cleared her throat and stood up although she was so squat it was difficult to tell. 

Not only did she stand, rather unimpressive, she also walked around the end of the mahogany staff table up to stand before Dumbledore's eagle podium which he had hesitantly departed it as she walked over. In a sickeningly sweet voice she began "Thank you  for the introduction professor" she simpered.

"He didn't introduce you" I hissed under my breath and I heard Hermione make a small irritated grunt, she was staring at Umbridge with unwavering distaste. 

Despite the cold science that swept over the hall and the clear disapproval of her audience she persisted  "I am here to help educate and innovate to create great progress for all those at this school. However progress for progress sake must be prohibited as it leads to the spreading of secrets and breading of lies. I hope that we will all be very good friends." several people snorted "and that you will come and talk to me about anything you need to" She finished stepping down from the podium and scuttled away. 

Dumbledore finished his speech soon after and the desserts appeared on the table. "What was that all about?" asked Harry "I mean that meant no seance, what did she mean Progress for progresses sake?"

Hermione's face  looked extremely disdainful for a fraction of a second before it softened and she hurriedly explained in a concerned tone "It means the ministry trying to interfere with things at Hogwarts"

"Oh, I wasn't really listening" admitted Ron beginning to dig into the treacle tart and Ice cream  that had magically appeared on the table a few seconds before. I chuckled and began to serve  myself some desert. 

As the feast ended and we all began walking up to bed the twins caught up with me. They were both mocking Umbridge and I was more than happy to join them in abusing both her speech and her clothing as we  drifted sleepily towards the Gryffindor commonroom and bed. I clambered through the portrait hole with a full stomach and light heart. My good mood however ended as soon as I got up the stairs into my dorm.

When I entered Lavender and Pavati (Who I shared a dorm with) were already in hot discussion with Hermione who was shaking her head so animatedly that her hair seemed to have become inexplicably bushier than normal. Her voice was raised in a mocking tone as I walked instantly confused. 

"I suppose you believe him too" A red faced Lavender shot at me. My mind flashed for a second to Mattheo's face. Had he told me anything that I should have believed? A second later I released fully what she meant. 

"Harry?" I asked and when I spoke my voice was stony and resolute "Yeah, I believe him. Dumbledore believes him for God's sake and If you don't believe Dumbledore then maybe you shouldn't be in his school" I yelled the last two words at them protecting my friend and releasing my own rage in one fell swoop. 

"Whatever" Snarled Lavender and she flounced back down to the common room followed by Pavati who gave us both an evil stare. 

I sunk down onto my mattress and felt my shoulders drop and then my whole body drop onto the bed. I wondered what Harry was going threw in his dorm room and sickening images of Mattheo being praised for his fathers return echoed in my mind even after I had changed into my pajamas and began my vein attempt to fall asleep.   

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