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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter or any other referenced property

Y/n's POV:

I ate breakfast at the slytherin table that morning beside an incredibly amused Enzo who was chuckling before Theo and I sat down giving Theo a knowing look as he commented on the fact he hadn't returned to the dorm last night. Theo flipped him off telling him to mind his own business and Enzo laughed more at the scarlet tint of my cheeks and seeming inability to look up form my breakfast.  

The breakfast food was sensational after the grainy slop Madam  Pomfrey had sworn was porridge that I had been served up there. The fresh juicy fruit that burst in my mouth and stained my lips tasted all the sweeter when contrasted with plates of soggy vegetables doused in watery gravy. The pancakes were soft, slightly bouncy and perfectly warm and when they were spread with Blackcurrant jam the sharpness and the sweetness merged on my tongue. I closed my eyes for a second breathing in the scent of the meal which mingled on the air with Theo's scent of musky ceder and fresh orange and I grinned. 

"Good breakfast?" Chuckled my Boyfriend across from me placing another pancake onto my empty plate and offering me the toppings tray. 

"Incredible" I sighed then quickly muttered "thank you" as I dug into my food. He grinned at my happiness and as our eyes met we both paused for a second twin smile donning our faces. 

"So," Enzo began loudly "next weekend is hogsmead and its the last one before christmas so whose up for some shopping?" 

"Sure" I said tilting my head away from Theo's gaze still smiling "But I'll have to meet you in the afternoon. It's tradition that my siblings and I all buy presents for everyone we know in the morning." 

"How did that become a thing?" asked Theo

"Big family, lots of friends, not much money. Lets us get joint presents if we want plus it's fun, I've been saving six months and I have 30 galions" I said happily. 

"I can lend you money if you need it" He offered 

"No" I shut him down instantly with serious bite behind my voice "I'm not a charity case" I insisted tensing slightly my chin jutting upwards and my eyes blazing cold steel as my rage momentarily consumed me fogging my mind and vision. 

"Y/n you know he didn't mean it like that" said Enzo soothingly. Theo went to set a hand on my shoulder but I jerked sharply away still furious his face blanched but he steeled himself and though his eyes had momentarily glazed no tears fell. He attempted once again to lay a soothing hand on me and I slapped his hand away pushing away from the Slytherin table and marching seething from the hall.

It took two flights of stairs for my vision to clear and my brain to once again think rationally. I knew I had over reacted but still couldn't bring myself to apologies. A small stubborn part of my still howled at the injustice of it. I wanted to scream at his face and beat on his chest because I could fend for my self god damn it. I yearned to bellow that my family are no lesser for being poor, we are united and strong and love flourishes in our house in a way it never will in the houses of rich twats like the Malfoys. Like Theo's ... 


I met him on the landing as I headed back to him and he hurried to find me. "I'm sorry" We both said at the same time. 

"Why are you sorry?" I chuckled offering him my hand. He took it. I traced our interlocked hands with my thumb mapping the digits. Thinking before I spoke. "I over reacted. Moneys a sensitive subject I mean you would not believe the amount of jokes I've heard about getting a sugar daddy. Mostly from Slytherins and a couple of bitchy Ravenclaws. Even so I shouldn't have acted the way I did I saw red and it was my fault. I'm so sorry" My eyes had wondered to the ruff cobblestone floor as I spoke as it had seemed increasingly impossible to meet his patient eyes. I didn't want him to be patient I wanted him to fly of the handle in the way I had seen him do with others. I wouldn't have minded if he hit me. Instead the ruff hand that didn't hold my own gently traversed the side of my neck helping to steady my nervous breathing before tracing its way up to my ear then to my chin. He didn't need to apply any pressure to raise my head the second his figurines reached my chin I looked up at him. 

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