Free period

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter or any other referenced property's 

Y/n's POV:

It was a huge relief to be able to walk away from the class at the end of the period. Hagrid had been watching Theo and I carefully throughout the class, we had been working together ( along with Hermione ) to collect the leprechaun gold. To be completely honest I hadn't been doing much and I kept fazing out so Theo had occasionally lightly slapped my arm to bring me back to the "real world" with a cheesy smile that made me giggle.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him as we walked through the castle 

"The astronomy tower" He replied "It's nice up there and I know there's no lesson at the moment"

"How?" I asked tilting my head slightly so I was looking at him.

"Because the teacher is doing a detention in this period" He said a smirk beginning to show at the corner of his mouth. 

With a matching smile I giggled "And how would you know that Mattheo?" 

"Well Princess that would be because I am supposed to be in that detention because apparently punching someone in the face because they pissed you off isn't a reasonable reaction" He said putting the last two words in air quotes. I shook my head at him barely concealing a smile. 

The tower top was fairly peaceful when we arrived at the top. Mattheo sat with his back against the parapets of the castle I flopped down beside him and, after a moment of hesitation I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. 

"Don't go falling asleep on me darling" he whispered to me wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I sighed into him and nodded my head but still didn't open my eyes just enjoying resting and the warmth of his body against mine.

When I opened my eyes he had shifted me to his lap and was gazing at me, though as soon as he noticed my eyes opening. "I told you not to fall asleep" he said feigning annoyance. 

"Sorry, but you could have pushed me off" I said snuggling deeper into him enjoying his slight groan at my movement. 

"We need to be careful okay? If my dad finds out about you you'll be tortured and killed. You know because you're a Muggle born"  He said it perfectly factually as if it was just a fact of life. I nodded although I wasn't going to deliberately hide anything from my friends  or family but for now what they didn't know couldn't hurt them. He pulled me closer to him and I smiled sighing at the welcome warmth of his body in the chilly evening air.  He looked down at me cradled in his lap and his lips tugged up slightly his deep brown eyes gazing into my own.

"Is that a smile Theo?" I asked grinning. 

"Never" He chuckled "You will never break my stone cold façade"  

Despite his warm embrace the I quickly found myself begging to shiver but I tried to hide it wanting him to hold me for just a little longer. Despite my best attempts I could tell he had notice when his arms tightened momentarily around me and then he relaxed his arms and pulled me to my feet. 

"We should go  now darling, you're shivering" 

"I know" I sighed " But I don't wanna go" 

He smiled softly at me. Leaned forwards and whisper in my ear "Well then we'll have to do this again some time won't we beautiful" His signature smirk had returned as he pulled away. I went to gently slap his arm but I was laughing and allowed my hand to linger on his skin a little longer than necessary.

We were still facing each other in the cold gusty air atop the castle consumed in each others being. I don't know haw long it was before one of us moved, I barely know who moved first. All I remember was walking down the stares in comfortable science. Then waving goodbye to each other in the entrance hall so we could head off to bed.  

Once I was out of Theo's presence I became increasingly aware of the twinge of hunger in my stomach, I had missed dinner, and the slight fatigue in my frozen limbs. By the time I scrambled through the portrait hole all I wanted to do was sleep. However, I could see Harry, Hermione, the twins and Ron staring at me as soon as I entered.

Ron strode over to me looking confused and slightly annoyed. "You weren't at dinner" He said accusatory. 

"I know I was with Theo and I'm not hungry" I lied I was now quite ravenous but at the time I had felt fine. Well at dinner time I had probably been asleep in Theo's lap but judging by Ron's flared nose I probably shouldn't further anger him with that particular detail of my personal life.

"Oh so he's 'Theo' now is he" He said emphasizing his words with obvious air quotes. I pushed past him without answer and made my way over to the others Ron marching behind me.

"Hi Y/n where have you been?" asked Hermione friendly 

"She's been with 'Theo'" Ron answered for me in a snarky mocking tone.

"Fuck off" I said with venom before turning to Hermione and saying "Theo and I went to the astronomy tower"

Hermione turned to me eyebrows raised and a shocked smile on her face her eyes were wide and I could tell she was bursting to ask me more but, thankfully, had the common seance not to pry any further in front of Ron. She flicked her eyes over to the dorm and I blinked in response and the two of us got up simultaneously and began walking towards our dorm. Behind us I could hear Ron grumbling about who girls must be telepathic. Then Fred and George begging to tease his about his theory. 

Once we reached the quiet of our dorm Hermione turned to me excitedly and said "Spill, I know something happened don't lie to me Y/n Weasley" 

"Okay" I said with a smile "We went up to the astronomy tower and we were just resting and I fell asleep in his lap and when I woke up he was staring at me and oh my god you don't understand how handsome he is. I mean deep brown eyes, curly dark hair, that little scar on the bridge of his nose and oh my god his chest"

Hermione was laughing good naturedly "sounds like some ones got a bit of a crush"

"Maybe" I said still smiling "and on Mattheo Riddle. Who would have thought?"

"And I'm pretty sure he like you too!"

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