Letters to the Burrow

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Disclaimer: I don't own harry potter or any other referenced property 

Y/n's POV:

For the rest of the day I was  hyperconscious of my actions around Theo, I longed for his touch, to find myself burrowed under his arm. However I controlled my urges as Mcgonagal's warning hung around my being ringing in my ears and keeping me tense and cautious. Suddenly every lingering stare could be a spy a messenger to Voldemort, I had heard Harry's story of his return and actually met some of his death eaters in my third year and the prospect of a repeat encounter scared me shitless but Theo was worth it.

On top of the added stress I had been avoiding Ron all day. He had fallen right in to the role of over protective big brother (despite the fact that the birthday I had chosen for myself when I moved into the burrow was only a few months after his own). When I had seen Hermione in Charms last period she filled me in on Ron's concerns for me. I could tell that his loathing for Mattheo came from a place of love for me. I trust and love Theo unconditionally, though I'm not sure why and I understand why others don't. I'm not oblivious to who his family is, but I'm also not oblivious to how he got his scars. 

I sat in the commonroom that evening when Ron walked over and to my great surprise I wasn't angry with him. I wasn't happy with his reaction but there was something innately comforting in a brothers love. I shuffled up on the sofa so he could flop down beside me. 

"I don't Trust him" were the first words our of his mouth.

I sighed deeply "I know, and I don't expect you to. Not yet. But can you at least tolerate him, for me?" 

He turned to face me slowly then gave a curt nod. I smiled and relaxed pulling my big brother into a brief hug which quickly became a tickle battle which left both of us shrieking and writhing on the floor after the twins and Ginny noticed and decided to join. Hermione and Harry gave as warm smiles as our 'battle' finally subsided and we were all able to sit up still laughing occasionally. 

We had ended up beside the fire and resolved to stay there for the rest of the evening (Fred had marshmallows) we were soon joined by our friends so that there was a huge circle of Gryffindors  eating, laughing and comparing homework. 

"Shit, I think I've screwed up this entire essay!" Lee Jordan practically yelled beside me creating a mix of sympathy and laughter from the surrounding people both of which he lapped up as though it were the highest possible praise. 

"It cant be that bad" fussed Hermione "give it here I'll see what I can do". Despite Hermione's constant complaints about everyone always wanting her answers I think she actually enjoys checking homework and she had managed to create something that gave lee at least a passable grade in only half an hour. 

Lee looked incredibly relieved when he got it back saying "Thanks Hermione I owe you one" 

"Technically you owe her four now mate but whose counting?" chuckled George. Causing a fresh wave of laughter.

By the time I headed to bed that evening my spirits were soaring sky high, probably partially due to the shot of fire  whiskey George had given me an hour before but also thanks to the company and exaggerated game of charades we had eventually ended up playing. And as I nestled into warm bedding there was a keen sense that everything was right with the world. 


The next morning I left the commonroom for breakfast late since I had a free period. I walked down with Lavender and Pavati. We weren't as close as we once were due to Islander's refusal to believe Harry's story but I still wasn't ignoring them. The three of us were still laughing about last nights antics as we entered the great hall and sat down. "I still can't believe harry tried to act out a thestral when most of us have no clue what the look like, I mean did you even know they looked like a horse till he told us?" 

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