The plan

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Disclaimer: I don't own harry Potter or any other referenced properties 

Y/n's POV: 

The next morning dawned a bleak grey. It was nine thirty by the time I dragged myself out of bed and down the stares but I had barely slept. My eyes itched with fatigue and I felt sick to my stomach. Enzo had come into our room last night and together we had talked about what to do next hitting blank after black until we got sick of it. Eventually we decided to talk to mum hoping she would know what to do. I had however been very tired and decided to attempt to sleep whilst Theo went gone to see mum to talk to her leaving me in a cold bed with my thoughts. I tried to sleep, I really did, but whenever I closed my eyes visions of myself lying on a table doused in my own blood, screaming uncontrollably. I could hear Theo yelling, no crying my name but I never saw his face before a knife would comedown and I would jolt back to conciseness consciousness shaking violently and drenched in sweat. 

Now I wore an over sized hoodie, pajama shorts and a miserable expression slouched down the stairs yawning widely as I entered the kitchen. I couldn't bare the joyous faces of my siblings just yet so as I entered and b-lined for the corner where Theo, Enzo and the older order members sat in hushed conversation. Theo's arm wrapped round me as soon as I sat down and I leaned into him drowsily. 

"You get any sleep darling?" He asked gently. I simply shook my head and he sighed softly placing a kiss to my brow. "We'll be okay. I promise". I couldn't bring myself to nod because I knew that neither of us could find any faith in his words so I turned to Remus. 

"So you got any Ideas?" I asked.

"We have three options. You stay here at grimald place. You go back to Hogwarts. Or you run"

I though for a second then said "Or we fight"

"That is not an option" Mum said sternly "We want to keep you safe not put you in more danger and I don't want you putting yourself in any danger either"

I looked down not meeting her eyes. In my life I have faced more times than my years should allow I know mum worries about me... and Ron, and Harry and Hermione. We have a knack for getting into danger. I've started to think it finds us. He finds us, he finds Harry. I've spent every year since I met Harry knowing Voldemort was coming for him. Until I never new the fear of knowing he was coming for me. I don't know how harry lives with it. 

I looked up at Theo knowing my face must be pale. His arm tightened around me slightly. 

"I'm scared Theo" I said trying hard to steady my voice but it still quavered and broke. He pulled me close  and buried his head in my neck. His lips brushed my ears and he whispered quietly enough that only I could hear "I'm scared too" 

I hugged him tightly and we stood there in each others arms. When I opened my eyes I saw my mum and reached out to her encouraging her to join the hug. I felt Tonks join the hug too and after one good squeeze we all pulled away. I felt myself take a deep breath. 

"I think we run. That's the best option right? Don't let him track us down. Keep a step ahead" Mum nodded. I felt my face clench and my lips purse so tight it hurt. "I won't be able to contact you will I?" I said my voice thick with the threat of tears. 

"No. It won't be safe" Moody answered for my mum 

"When do We have to leave?" Theo asked his hand finding it's way into mine our fingers knitting together.

"whenever you're ready" Dad said 

"The day the others return to Hogwarts" I said "That gives us time to prepare and say goodbyes" They all nodded it was a while before anyone in the corner spoke. Behind me a vicious game of exploding snap was being waged. Soon it too was quiet. They had finally realized that something was wrong. It was that moment that Enzo spoke.

"I'm going with you" He said 

"Enzo..." I said 

"Your not gonna talk me out of it Y/n." He insisted "Mattheo's been my best friend since forever. I recon you two, you'll be the stuff of legends and weather you die a tragic death or you beat incredible odds I wanna be part of that story. They'd only take me for questioning anyway. They've probably seen me with you too. I just wan't snogging you"  

 Ginny stood up and looked at our mum looking confused and very scared "What's going on?" She asked the room.

A pregnant pause filled the room.

"I got a letter" Theo said tossing it onto the table. For the second time in two days there was silence as the letter was read. 

"Well we better start packing" Hermione said standing up 

"Yeah" Harry agreed and beside him Ron nodded. 

"No, you can't come this shouldn't be your fight" 

Hermione laughed "None of this should have been our fight Y/n. But it's the fight we choose"

"Yeah, I'm not letting my sister run around with those two nutters alone" Ron said and I stifled a laugh.

We walked together six idiots. six fighters. six survivors. 

"Let's do this shit" I said and to my great surprise I found myself smiling. 

For the next hour we all sat in the kitchen we planned the explanation for our disappearances doing everything possible to make Theo and Enzo seem unconnected to us. They would certainly see through it in time but it brought us a few precious months to find out feet on the run. 

Dad found all of our old camping gear and Hermione bean researching storage solutions, transport and safe places to stay. It was settled that we would use muggle transport as much as possible because it would be untraceable but Theo and Enzo could both apparate and the rest of us were beginning to learn as it would be the easiest way to travel long distances if we could master it. 

Moody also spent the evenings of the following week training us in defense. Snape was teaching us some beneficial potions (much to our distaste as even in the cozy kitchen of 12 grimald place he still seemed to carry an angry chill about him). 

My sleep remained disrupted especially on nights when Theo was forced to stay downstairs making preparations even after my brain slowed and I was forced to drag myself into an empty bed. A few nights I had awoken screaming waking him where he lay beside me. Every time he would fully rouse himself to listen to my nightmare then soothe me. Last night he was the one to jerk awake tears in his eyes and anguish etched into the lines of his face. I sat and listened to as he told me about how he had seen me living through the same torture he had injured as a child. The torture that had left him with silvery scars. I spent over an hour kissing those same scars as he held me in his arms. We talked the rest of the night even after we turned of the light since neither of us could find sleep. 

Harry complained more regularly about a prickling in his scar which had been plaguing him even more than usual. This did nothing to steady our nerves and three days before the end of the holidays as we packed our things into magically enlarged rucksacks, Hermione had enchanted them to be larger on the inside. Initially we had intended to side something smaller but eventually decided it would look a little weird to any muggles if we didn't appear to be carrying anything so we settled on Three rucksacks and a beaded bag that belonged to Hermione. 

Dad had managed to find only one tent that we could use but it was roomy so we would be fine. Hermione packed in books she said would be helpful, I packed a lot of snacks. Theo and Enzo both packed knife cases after demoing each one. It surprised me how much I enjoyed seeing Theo twirling a knife between his fingers and to my great surprise I found myself biting my lip as he caught my eye and smirked. I blushed and looked down quickly and we finished packing the bags in comfortable silence only speaking to ask if an item was if necessary or to re arrange the bags.  

Then all we could do was wait as the days till term began ticked by knowing that it would be a long time until we would see Hogwarts again and wishing that we had said a better goodbye. 

Two days left.

One day.

It's time. 

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