Meet me

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter or any other referenced properties. 

Y/n's POV:

Hermione was doing homework on the bed in our dorm, Ginny was sitting beside her trying to copy her notes over her shoulder and I was trying to pick an outfit to meet Mattheo this evening. I had no clue what we were going to be doing and had tried on several outfits. 

"You know frowning at the mirror won't make any difference to the outfit right" my sister asked from the bed. I pulled a face at her and grabbed my black denim jacket from the chair and pulling it over my red crop top which I had paired with black flares. 

"Okay, I'm done" I said 

"Where you meeting him?" Hermione asked never looking up from her book.

"Not sure... I figure I just wonder down to the entrance hall and he'll find me" I shrugged then held up two pairs of shoes "Heels of flats?" 

"Heels" said Ginny "though those are barely heals Y/n. They're what inch and a half?" 

I rolled my eyes at her and slipped on the black faux suede shoes she had advised and said a quick goodbye to my friends as I strode towards the entrance hall a smile on my face. I was only half way to the hall when I saw Theo walking up the stairs towards me. He smiled a little when he noticed me and ,glancing around for curtain slytherin eyes, extended a hand towards me which I took interlacing my figures with his and closing my eyes in almost a sigh of relief.

"You know we should really plan our meet ups better" I said as we began to stroll lazily towards the grounds. 

"Oh yeah" he said a warm chuckle behind his voice.

"Yeah" I said rolling my eyes at him "I mean 'meet me tomorrow night' with no time or place. It's a minor miracle you found me so quickly"  

"Maybe I just knew where you would be going. Maybe I'm a mind reader" He said hushing his voice dramatically and making me giggle. 

"You're not a mind reader Theo!" He raised his eyebrows at me a proud and slightly cocky smirk forming on his face "No"I said in disbelief my jaw dropping "That is so cool."

"Yeah" He smiled "It would be if I was any good at it. Legilimency's hard and I'm not much good at it. It really was just dumb luck that I found you so quickly and truth be told I've been running around for half an hour" He admitted looking slightly bashful.

I squeezed his had and whispered "Then you're even more cool for sticking around" 

We continued our walk out into the gardens surrounded by the twinkling lights of fairies and the comforting rich smell of earth after rain, the kind of smell you could almost taste. The shrill calls of birds which burst into vibrant flight as we walked by filled the crisp evening air. I felt myself begin to shiver a little, Theo had noticed too for he wrapped a warm muscular arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his warm body. He smelt slightly musky and I could feel a smile on my face as I buried my face deeper into his chest. 

He guided me over to a stone bench nestled into the crook of a large evergreen bush and we both sat down. My head still resting on his chest. He lifted his hand and picked a flower from beside us gliding it through the still air to brush the hair away from my face and slip it behind my ear. I looked up at him then and our eyes met. "Beautiful" He whispered under his breath. 

"Thank you" I whispered setting my hand to the side of his face and running my thumb up and down his cheek bone my eyes never leaving his " But my beauty is nothing to your perfection. I assure you of that Theo" I said tilting my head slightly and getting closer to him he mirrored my movements both of us inching closer until his warm regular breath ghosted across my parted lips. I closed my eyes as he closed the distance between us his soft lips caressing mine, my hands tangled with his hair pulling him closer. Desperate for this kiss to last to savor the moment. His tongue traced my lips and I gasped providing him entrance to my mouth. He tasted amazing all cigarettes and treacle. The smell of his cologne was overwhelming as I leaned into him further desperate to have as much contact with his body as possible. Seconds later be broke apart both breathing heavily and wearing Identical grins. 

I bit my lip gently and his grin widened. His hands slit cradled my face and I melted into them soaking up their warmth. After a while I broke the silence "wow" I whispered and he chuckled deeply the vibrations humming through his chest. He pulled me into his lap so that my back was flat to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. 

Leaning closer to me he softly said "You are perfect Y/n Weasley. You are kind, You are strong, You are beautiful. Please be mine."

I tilted my head back so I could see his eyes "Of course I'll be yours, I already was" 

At that he smiled widely leaning down to capture my lips again. I rolled over in his lap so I was straddling him and he set his hands on my back pulling me closer to his body to mine. My hands wondered across his shoulders gripping and tracing every muscle, moaning occasionally as his teeth pulled at my lip and his tongue explored my mouth playing with my own. I could feel his smile against my lops at my vocalizations. I smiled too at his clear pleasure. After what could have been a day, or a month or several blissful years we broke apart. 

"What did I do to deserve you" He asked gently kissing my brow. 

"You learned to be kind" I said with a soft smile 

"Only for you. I would still beat most of the school to a bloody pulp" He chuckled 

"Its a start." I said with a wide smile wrapping my arms tightly around his torso and resting my head in the crook of his neck. His arms enveloped me from behind and we stayer there until the wind began to pick up ,bitingly cold, forcing us to our feet. 

As we made our way towards the castle, our hands intertwined, our conversation turned to classes. Which were easy, which were hard and what teachers, *ahem* Umbridge *ahem*, we didn't like. 

"I've got a free tomorrow after potions" I said as we entered the castle  "If you want we could grab an early lunch, that is if your free too" 

"I would love that Darling. Though I do believe we should sit at your table this time. There are too many prying eyes at mine" I nodded squeezing his hand in my own reassuring him that we would make this work and that I didn't care who his family was. 

He walked me all the way to the portrait hole even though I knew it was no where near the slytherin commonroom ( Ron, Harry and I had polyjuiced in in out second year ). 

"I guess this is where I leave you." I said slightly sadly.

"I suppose so, but you'll see me tomorrow" He whispered a small smile appearing on his face as he gently kissed me brow. 

"One last thing" I said 


"When Hermione asks what we are, because she will, do I say I'm your girlfriend"  

"Yes you're mine and I am yours" He said factually and I nodded holding his hand for as long as I could before allowing it to pull away. 

Then I turned to  the portrait of the fat lady who looked at me her brow crinkled and said "Interesting choice. Didn't think you'd be into psychopaths Weasley" 

"Shut it" I said with venom in my voice 

"Seems like he's rubbing off on you" She said clearly Judging me. 

I stuck my middle figure up at her and gave her the password so the she would shut up and let me in. No doubt her friend from the chamber off the hall would know all about my relationship by the end of the night.

As soon as I entered the commonroom I was swarmed by Hermione and Ginny squealing "How was it?"

"Really good" I replied softly with a blush. "I mean I'm officially his girlfriend" A wide smile erupted on all three of our faces at my words before I was Dragged off to the dorm with Hermione insisting that I had to "tell her everything"  and Ginny grinning widely. 

Behind me out of my earshot Fred and George had matching smiles clearly happy about our joy. Ron on the other hand was reminding me distinctly of Percy as he glowered at us clearly muttering something to himself about my poor choices but I didn't give two shits what he thought, I was happy. I fact I was probably the happiest I had been in a long time.

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