Chapter Five

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Johann took a deep breath.

"You know how I said I had a flawed serum?"

"Yes," Caty answered.

"It made the good better and the bad worse."

Caty was starting to see where this was going.

"When I used the serum I had a lot of anger and hate inside of me and it amplified that. But I'm changing and I think it's causing my body to change."

"But I know for a fact that Captain America's, as well as mine, has always been stable. Then again I don't know how different yours was from ours," she said.



"The thing that started the change was you," he said.

"Oh I just helped it come out that's different than-"

"No, it was you," he said shaking his head.

"Why me?"

"Because-because I-I," he stammered. Caty had never heard him do that before. He was normally calm and collected. Her heart began to beat faster.


"It's because I love you," he finally said. He looked down not wanting to look into her eyes. Caty's heart skipped a beat. He loved her! "Now I know that you most likely won't return-"

Caty did something that she had wanted to do for a while now. She put a finger to his lips. Got on her tip toes and kissed him passionately. She put her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and returned the kiss. He felt an explosion of emotion. Then he felt an explosion of pain. Caty must have realized it because she pulled back and looked at him worriedly.

"Catalina, you don't realize how much of a monster I am." He said after the pain subsided.

"Shut up and kiss me," she reached up and kissed him again. They held the kiss for a long time and then they broke again to catch a breath.

"But you haven't even seen my real face," he said. She kissed him again.

"Then show me," she said keeping their faces close.

"It's gruesome," he said.

"Just show me and then you can put your mask back on if you want but nothing is going to deter me."

Johann hesitated. He wanted her to see his real face but he was worried he might scare her away. He slowly reached to the edge of the mask and pulled it off.

Caty knew what to expect, so when she saw why they called him Red Skull, it didn't frighten her.

"See," he said, "it's not exactly the-"

She cut him off again. It may sound gruesome that she could kiss him when he looked so skullish but honestly he was still Johann. It didn't matter if he was blue, purple, red, or green she still loved him. Thought ears and a nose might have helped. She pulled back and he looked at her absolutely dumbfounded.

"It doesn't matter how you look on the outside. What matters is how you look on the inside. And I believe you look good on the inside," Caty said softly.

She laid a hand on his heart. She looked down and saw that more skin was changing again. This time he didn't feel any pain.

"Great but I'm still putting my mask back on," Johann said slipping it on.

"Okay," Caty said laughing. After he had put it on he slip this arms around Caty and this time he kissed her. Caty had never felt anything like this. Sure she had had school girl crushes and stuff but this was different. This was real.

Yay! They finally kissed! Lol! So I didn't leave to much of a cliffhanger today because I'm most likely not going to be able to update the rest of today and most of tomorrow. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) now obviously Caty isn't the only factor in Johann's mutating but she is part of it. Think really hard and tell me what you think it is in the comment section. Bye all, -LMI

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