Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Next time that cell door opens we attack!" Steve commanded.

"We need a strategy," Johann said.

"Two behind the door. One attacks. The other runs," Steve said.

"What did I tell you? Military genius," Johann said crossing his arms.

"Why are you complimenting him? He always insults you," Tony asked.

"I'm stating a fact."

"Just like I'm going to state a fact," Steve began. "Fact: you and my daughter are more than friends. Fact: I hate you for it. Fact: I'm never going to trust you. Fact: if you touched my daughter I'm going to kill you."

"Fact: if I were a father I would feel the same way," Johann replied. His response caused Steve to do double take. He wasn't expecting that answer.

"Guys! Stop fighting and shut up! I here footsteps," Falcon whispered.

"Tony you run, Falcon and I behind the door, and Schmidt you attack," Steve ordered. They all nodded and took their places.

The door opened and Johann lunged at whoever it was knocking them to the floor. He landed on top of the figure. He looked down and gasped.

"I'm so sorry, Catalina," he said reaching out a hand. She took it and stood up.

Don't worry about it. It's not like I haven't had you on top of me before. She said in his head.

Ooo that was dirty. Loki said to both of them.

Johann gave a sheepish grin and walked out of the cell. "How did you guys get out?"

"Black Death thinks I'm screwing her," Loki said motioning for everyone to follow him.

"What?!" Johann and Steve said at the same time.

"Relax! Odin's beard! I just did it to get her out and him to leave her alone. He had no reason to come to the dungeon while he thinks she is busy," Loki said exasperatedly.

"So he thinks your going to help him," Tony asked.

"Precisely," Caty said calmly.

"Wait!" Johann said quickly.

"What is it?" Loki asked.

"We still haven't caught a mutant to test the formula," he said.

"There is a lab in the middle of the compound but we are going to have a hard time getting there without being spotted," Loki said crossing his arms.

"Well, we do need to try," Steve said.

"For once he agrees with me," Johann said rolling his eyes.

"Only because it's for the greater good."

"Fine but let's go before someone notices we are missing," Johann said.

"You lead the way," Caty said smiling.


"They escaped!?"

"It was that Loki, Sir," Reaper informed.

"I should have known!" Black Death bellowed. "Kill them!"


"We have company," Tony said loudly.

"Run!" Catalina yelled.

The six of them took off like a heard of deer. Steve took the lead and Johann was close behind. Falcon and Tony weren't as fast as the two super soldiers but fast enough to keep up with Catalina.

"Sharp left," Steve called out to them.

They followed his lead and took a sharp left. Johann rounded the corner and then halted abruptly. He lifted a hand for the others to stop. They halted and gaped at the figure before them. He was a tall dark mutant that looked more sane than the rest.

"Red Skull," he said eerily pointing at Johann. "My master has some unfinished business with you."

"You guys go get samples of the serums and anything else that might be useful," Johann ordered.

"Go I'll stay with him," Steve said.

"You?" Falcon asked incredulously.

"It's a laboratory! I'm not going to be much help," he shouted.

Loki, Tony, Falcon, and Catalina all nodded. They all ran past them continuing to make their way towards the lab. Catalina hesitated and looked back. She was very worried for them. They were the two men that meant more to her than anything else in the universe and she was about to leave them behind. She set her jaw and ran towards the lab again. She had a job to do.

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