Chapter Four

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Beomgyu sighs contently, his back resting against the couch as he watches Soobin and Taehyun play a video game from their places on the floor, Yeonjun's head resting against his shoulder while he plays a game on his phone. He leans his cheek against the top of the raven's head, snaking an arm around his side to give him a small hug.

"I've missed this," he mumbles, drawing the attention of Taehyun who looks back at him with a smile. It's been awhile since they all hung out together, and he momentarily forgets about the fact that they're all getting older whenever they're together. He really wishes that Kai was here with them, but he'll take any chance that he gets to see Yeonjun and Soobin.

Yeonjun jumps, dropping his phone to the floor as he throws the blanket off of him, panickedly searching around on the couch. He's given a confused look from Taehyun and Soobin sighs, almost knowingly. He shoves his hand between the couch cushions, feeling around inside as he glances up at Beomgyu. "Have you seen my–" he cuts himself off when he pulls his hand up out of the couch, vape being gripped tightly in his hand as he sighs. "Never mind."

He puts the pen up to his lips and Soobin groans loudly. "I'm so sick of this," he roughly places his controller down on the floor before leaning back towards Yeonjun. "Give me that."

Before Yeonjun can protest, Soobin is yanking the pen out of his hand and quickly standing up, not giving the oldest any time to process what is going on before storming upstairs towards the bathroom. Beomgyu watches in amusement as Yeonjun gasps loudly, running after him, knocking harshly on the door when Soobin locks it behind him.

Any other person would think that Soobin and Yeonjun have lost their minds, but this is the way they normally are with each other. They bicker and joke around with each other a lot, but at the end of the day it's them against the world. In a way, Beomgyu is jealous of the relationship that they have with each other. He craves being able to have as much time with Taehyun as the others have with each other. Knowing that good things happen to those who wait is the only thing keeping him going. One day he and Taehyun will have everything that they could have ever possibly dreamed of, but for right now he's okay with waiting for that day to come.

Taehyun gets up off the floor, grabbing his and Soobin's remote and placing them in a small container under the television where the other controllers are at. He shuffles over on the couch, giving Taehyun some extra room to sit down when he approaches him. Pulling Taehyun down so his head is resting in Beomgyu's lap, he combs his fingers through Taehyun's blond strands before leaning down to place a kiss on his nose.

There's muffled screaming from the bathroom and Beomgyu holds back a laugh. He's not worried about them, he knows they're fine doing... Whatever it is that they're doing. Taehyun shakes his head in amusement before meeting Beomgyu's eyes. "What do you think they're doing in there?"

He shrugs. "I dunno, but I don't wanna be a part of it," he smiles when Taehyun laughs at the comment, closing his eyes and humming as Beomgyu massages his head. He looks at the younger's roots, which have now grown out a bit due to him not dyeing it recently and Beomgyu finds it really attractive. "Are you gonna dye your hair again soon? Know you mentioned getting it cut."

He gets a hum in response, Taehyun lifting up one hand to intertwine it with one of Beomgyu's and bringing it to his lips to place a kiss on it. "Maybe next week. Do you want to come with me?"

"I'd go anywhere with you," Beomgyu smiles. "I was thinking about growing mine out. What do you think?"

Taehyun goes to respond but loud stomping from the stairs interrupts him. Looking up, he sees Soobin dragging Yeonjun back into the living room by his arm, the oldest looking like he's on the verge of tears while pouting. "Sit down," Soobin instructs, pointing to the sofa chair across from them. With a huff, Yeonjun takes a seat in the chair, still pouting as his eyes are trained on the floor, crossing his arms over his chest.

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