Chapter Twenty Five

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Beomgyu squints as rays of sunlight stealthily infiltrate the room through the crack in the curtains, an airy glow filling the room and casting gentle hues on the walls. When he tries to open his eyes, he's met with a pulsating throb in his head that feels as though it's bouncing off every surface in the room, magnifying the pain to an unbearable level.

He peels his eyes open nonetheless, the room around him slowly coming into focus and shaking him out of his state. Groaning loudly, he rolls back over, shoving his face into the pillow once more. The bed is warm, cradling his body and he would be able to fall back asleep if his head would stop pounding for five seconds.

He feels like he's going to throw up if it doesn't stop soon.

The last thing he remembers is watching everyone play video games, and he frowns to himself as he tries to piece together the events of the previous night. Did he fall asleep on the couch? The more he thinks, the more his head hurts, and he brings up a hand to rub at his temple.

"Hey, Tyun?" He rolls over, but he's met with nothing but cold, empty sheets. He frowns, momentarily wondering if he's stuck inside of another one of his dreams, but when he pinches the inside of his arm and nothing changes, he knows this is real.

Sitting up in the bed, he ignores the sharp jolts of pain shooting throughout his body, doing his best to blink away the remnants of sleep before turning his gaze towards the bedside table. A piece of paper with Taehyun's handwriting instantly calms him down, and he reaches over to grab it.

'In the office working. Take the meds for headache.'

He pouts at the note, reaching over and grabbing the small container of pills and taking one out. To say he's lucky to have Taehyun is an understatement. He's always doing anything and everything to help in any way that he can, and Beomgyu couldn't ask for anyone better.

He leans up in the bed so that his back is resting against the headboard, reaching for the glass of water.  The glass is still cold, the few ice cubes inside meaning Taehyun probably brought it up not long ago.

Beomgyu places the single pill against his lips, dry swallowing it before taking a sip of the water. He takes a few more sips before placing the cup back down on the bedside table, grabbing the blanket and pulling it over himself as he rolls back over in bed. It's going to be a few minutes before the medicine kicks in, so he might as well relax while he waits.

He stares out the window, taking in the view for the first time in what seems like forever. The sky looks like a painted symphony of colors, like wisps of cotton candy clouds floating against a canvas of pale blue. It makes him miss the days when he would go to the park with Taehyun and they would talk for hours. He wants to go back to when things were that simple.

The trees dance with the wind, their vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow swaying with each push of wind that passes. The sun's rays kiss the leaves, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the scenery, and Beomgyu just stares for a minute, a sense of peacefulness settling within him. He misses the feeling of the sun's rays against his skin and the gentle brushes of wind against his face. Maybe if he closes his eyes tight and tries hard enough, he can imagine how good things used to be.

He grabs the blanket wrapped around him and swings his legs over the bed, tensing up as his toes touch the icy wood floor. He always thinks about sleeping with socks on, that way the floors won't be as cold to him in the morning, but he never gets around to it. Pulling the blanket around him tighter, he pushes himself off the bed and out of the bedroom to go find Taehyun.

Thankfully the office is near the bedroom, otherwise he doesn't know if he would've made it with how bad his head is spinning. 

The sound of his knocking on the office door echoes through the house as his grasp tightens on the doorknob, heart thumping impatiently within his chest. He nudges the door open, surprised to see the office back to the organized state that Taehyun once had it.

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