Chapter Thirty

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The next morning's haze filters through the window, casting a soft golden glow across the room. The air is cool and calm, the only sound is the gentle rise and fall of Beomgyu's breathing. Taehyun blinks his eyes open slowly, the weight of sleep still heavy on his eyelids. As his vision begins to clear, he finds himself staring down at Beomgyu's peaceful face.

Beomgyu's dark hair falls messily across his forehead, the lines of his face softening in his slumber. The rise and fall of his chest is steady and comforting, a reassuring presence in the quiet stillness of the room. Taehyun reaches out a hand and brushes a stray lock of hair away from Beomgyu's face, the corners of his lips curling up in a smile.

He traces the line of Beomgyu's jaw, marveling at the way the morning light plays across his skin, illuminating the soft curve of his cheek. Beomgyu is breathtaking and he wishes that he could pause this moment for a while longer.

With a quiet sigh of contentment, he shifts closer, reveling in the warmth of their shared bed. He traces his finger lightly over the smooth skin on Beomgyu's waist, feeling the way goosebumps form under his fingertips from the touch. He leans in, pressing a soft kiss to Beomgyu's temple.

He loves mornings like this.

Mornings where he can sit here in silence, admiring the way that Beomgyu's chest rises and falls with each steady breath. Where he can count each long lash brushing against his cheeks and push away the tousled hair that gently falls across his forehead.

Mornings where it's quiet. So quiet that he can hear the faint ticking of the fan above every few minutes. The world around them is full of bustling noises and chaos, but right now, it's just the two of them. Their own little sanctuary where the world around them seems to stand still.

Taehyun swings his legs over the side of the bed and sits up, careful not to disturb Beomgyu. The cool wooden floor presses against his bare feet as he stands up, creaking slightly under his weight as he makes his way to the bathroom.

He glances back at Beomgyu's peaceful figure, still curled up in a ball on the bed, a small smile tugging at his lips as he quietly shuts the bathroom door. He turns on the faucet, splashing his face with the cool water, letting the refreshing sensation wash away the remnants of sleep.

Things finally feel like they're starting to go back to normal, and the thought of them being able to do things like they used to make him beyond happy. He can't wait to finally go out on dates again and to be able to take Beomgyu places. But for now he'll just have to wait.

Hopefully going on a trip will make Beomgyu feel better. Beomgyu needs to get out of the house for a bit, but he's too afraid of something happening again. He can't risk putting the older in danger for a second time.

He dries his face with the soft towel, catching a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. He doesn't look nearly tired as he used to, which he's sure is because he hasn't been as stressed lately. His hand comes up to comb through his messy hair.

A low, muffled sound comes from the bedroom and he frowns, halting his movements. But when it doesn't happen again, he thinks nothing of it. It's probably just the house settling or the wind rustling through the trees outside.

He's not about to get himself worked up over nothing.

But then he hears it again. A faint whimper, followed by a sharp intake of breath. His brows furrow, peeking his head out of the bathroom door. He sighs when he sees Beomgyu tossing and turning in the bed, his breathing coming out in pants.

Beomgyu's nightmares are one of the only things that haven't gotten better, and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do to make them stop. He makes his way over to the bed, sitting down beside Beomgyu and pushing the covers off of him.

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