Chapter Twenty Eight

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Beomgyu's eyes peel open when Taehyun's phone buzzes loudly beside them, and he squints his eyes at the bright light peeking through the curtains. The silence is broken by the rhythmic sounds of Taehyun breathing, resting comfortably underneath him.

He closes his eyes again, feeling his head rise and fall in sync with Taehyun's chest. He didn't mean to fall back asleep, but something about Taehyun knocks him out cold. He just wishes that the nightmare would go away so that he could actually stay asleep.

"Tyun," Beomgyu groans when Taehyun's phone buzzes again, and he reluctantly sits up, nudging his shoulder. "Your stupid phone keeps going off."

Taehyun smiles sleepily, his voice thick with grogginess. "I'm sorry, Beoms." He reaches over and unlocks his phone, squinting at the brightness. "Soobin will be here in ten minutes."

He nods.

Taehyun suddenly reaches over, pulling Beomgyu into his lap. Beomgyu lets out a gasp of surprise, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment. His reaction earns a chuckle from Taehyun, who reaches up to run his fingers through Beomgyu's thick hair, strands falling through his fingers like silk.

He doesn't know why small things make him so flustered now. Even the smallest things make his heart flutter, breathing increasing with each small action Taehyun takes.

Taehyun's arms wrap around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer as he leans in to softly press their lips together. Beomgyu melts into the kiss, bringing both of his hands up to play with Taehyun's hair.

It's soft between his fingers, falling effortlessly back into place when his fingers rake through it.

"Good morning, baby," Taehyun laughs softly, placing small kisses along his jaw.

"Hi," Beomgyu whispers.

He loves Taehyun. More than he's ever loved anyone before. He loves him unconditionally, and he knows Taehyun loves him just as fiercely.

"Come on, I'll make some food."

Taehyun taps on his side, motioning for him to get up. He reluctantly untangles himself from Taehyun's hold, sliding out of the bed. The wood is cool beneath his feet as he tiptoes across the room, making his way downstairs to the kitchen.

One thing that he's missed is Taehyun's cooking. When he first got home, food wasn't his top priority. He didn't feel like eating anything and when he was hungry, he was too afraid to ask Taehyun to make him something.

The house is quiet as he moves through the familiar rooms, the only sound being the soft padding of their feet against the floor. He enters the kitchen, taking a seat by the counter while Taehyun puts some bagels into the toaster.

"Coffee?" Taehyun asks, earning a nod from Beomgyu.

He looks over at the trees outside. The leaves ablaze in a fiery cascade of gold and crimson, casting long shadows on the asphalt from the morning sun.

It isn't long before Taehyun hands him a cup, placing the bagel down on the counter in front of him.

A soft, persistent knocking echoes through the house. He hesitates for a moment, looking at Taehyun before placing the coffee down on the counter. He wasn't expecting Soobin to get here so fast.

Usually when Soobin says he'll be somewhere in ten minutes, it takes around an hour – sometimes two.

"I'll get it," he mumbles, pushing his chair away from the counter and standing up.

As he approaches the door, the knocks become more insistent. He reaches for the doorknob and pulls it open, heart warming at the smile that spreads across Soobin's face, dimples on full display.

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