~Chapter 9~

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(A/N: Play the song above when said, it'll really help set the mood of the story!! ❤❤)

(Tom's POV)

"Kay, not exactly the heathiest meal but-" I cut myself off realising Sonic or Y/N aren't in the car. "Sonic? Y/N?" I call out. I hear super loud music so I turn around to see a raging party going on at the bar. I place the food on the hood of my car and run inside. "No, no, no, no, no" I exclaim. I enter and it's even more wild inside. I spot Sonic and Y/N sitting on the bar stools, literally openly flirting with eachother! I walk up to Sonic's seat and kick it, promting him to spin around as Y/N spins around too. 


I hear a kick on Sonic's stool so I turn around and see a very angry Tom standing there. Sonic has no clue whatsoever. "Howdy partner!" He chortles, pulling his hat down slightly.

"I'm not your partner, c'mon we're leaving!" Tom snaps, turning to leave. I jump off my seat to follow him but Sonic doesn't budge.

"But there's a zeasy top cover band! You gotta see their beards!" Sonic resists, spinning on his chair to face them.

"We'll have to catch them some other time c'mon we gotta go!"  TOm retorts.

"If we stay I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip...starting now!" Sonic claims as he then goes silent. A waiter comes up to Tom. I figured we were staying here after all so I hopped back onto my seat.

"Welcome to the Piston pit what can I get for you fellas?" she asks, smiling. I keep my mouth shut and that's when Sonic breaks his pact and speaks up. 

"Oooh! I want nachos, and buffolo wings, Oh and guac, funny word isn't it?" Sonic asks, making stupid sounds. "Quack, quack, QUACK" He shouts, I turn my invisibility on with embarrasment.

"Hey, no kids allowed in here, and what's he got on? Some kind of mask?" The waiter asks. I snicker quietly. Tom jumps to make an excuse which was pretty creative if I do say so myself.

"Oh he uh....he's actually 43 years old and suffers from a very rare skin disease that stunts his growth and makes him look like, like that" Tom explains.  The lady looks at Sonic which prompts him to say something so witty.

"The face I was born with, the confidence I picked up along the way~" He responds rasing an eyebrow flirtingly in my direction, I feel heat rise to mu muzzle. The waiter laughs. 

"Make his and uhhh Y/N'S a Mellow yellow please" I quickly turn off my invisibility.

"okay"  she replies, turning away and leaving.

"You owe me one" Tom states, sitting down. Sonic completely ignores him, I snicker.

"I've never sat in a bar stool before! So squishy!" Sonic exclaims, fidgiting on his chair. "Oh and it spins!", he puts his hand on the table before spinning himself around extremely fast that his glasses go flying off his head. "Woah, woah, Woan!" He exclaims before coming to a stop. "I feel sick". I facepalm but I can't help but smile.

"You having fun? Gonna check this off the old bucket list? huh? Big night for you" Tom responds. Sonic furrows his brows in confusion.

"Whats a bucket list?" Sonic asks.

"A bucket list is uh...it's a list of things you want to do in your life before you well.....kick the bucket" Tom explains.

"I've never kicked a bucket either! I gotta go make my list!" Sonic exclaims running off and snatching a womans bingo card and pen before appearing on his seat again and scribbling a bunch of things on the paper. "Mhm, mhm oh haha Sonic!" He exclaims to himself.

Best friends to Lovers~ (Movie Sonic x Reader!) ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now