14 ◈ Ivy

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Seungmin walked his gaze up the brick walls, following their trail up to the crack of midnight sky above. To the flicker of dark spilling in through the opening of the alleyway above them.

It swarmed gently, crawling toward them as it left it's beautiful stars above.

Monsters on the bricks, nails scraping and digging into the clay as it met his eyes.

A sonorous voice met his ears,

"Were they dumped here?"

"Circumstances suggest they were deceased before they hit the ground," Seungmin explained to him, regretfully pulling his eyes down to his company, "Their last location was by a convenience store down the way, caught by the CCTV. Anything after wasn't recorded."

The scarlet eyes of the bloodthirsty demon, standing slightly hunched in the center of the alley where the university student's body was dumped, his hands covered in the leather coat pockets; His accomplice, crouched down and tossing bits of rocks into the neck of the walls, sifting through trash for any evidence the investigation team may have left; And Minho, who refused to leave his side since they arrived in the hidden walls of the alleyway, dominant hand lingering by his side, by his revolver in the shoulder holster, folded and squared off against the two obvious threats casually meandering around, checking the space. He watched them for a moment, how they slithered around. How every flinch and turn of a gaze caused Minho to grab Seungmin's arm, pulling him back. Even if he quickly shook him off and stepped away.

"A mimic, huh?" Jisung stood from where he was crouched into a ball, steps lightly bouncing as he tossed the rock in his hands away, approached Hyunjin who immediately turned to look at him He smiled slightly, voice dropping into a murmur, "It's strange? Why would they be mimicking voices?"

"Seung, I don't like this," Minho leaned in to whisper to Seungmin, his tight grip snapping to a spot on the human's arm again as he tugged him back, tugged him closer to the brick wall they were backed against until the human felt the hard cold digging into his back, steps nearly tripping over the scrubbed grime trash stacking at the corners. Building underneath their feet. The vampire lowered his voice more, coming to support himself on a hand against the wall, his chest bumping into the human who tried to subtly escape from being near him, "Being with them is uncomfortable."

Seungmin looked to the two monsters.

The two devils who crawled from the pits of a frozen Hell to find their flames again.

The two as they talked gently between themselves, wondering back and forth about the alleyway, the murders, the university student, the mimic, the strange ability to pretend to be someone else's shadow in the dark, how they both seemed unsettled by that thought in the constant questions they sent one another. The flickering gazes, darting back and forth. The shifted steps from Hyunjin, the light snarl on Jisung's features as they kept their backs turned to the other two in the alleyway. Again, in everything they did; Casual, unbothered regardless of the flinches announcing otherwise. Despite the delirious vampire being able to smell the metal and gun residue from Minho, acting as if there was nothing to be wrong in this world.

He looked to their normal exteriors, those impenetrable shells concealing the true filfth of their revolting heart beneath their skin, pumping that hopeless muck of poisonous sludge through their veins.

Seungmin crossed his arms over his chest, the healing gash stinging him as his fingers found the fabric of his shirt covering the bandages. He looked to Minho beside them, the closeness of the vampire and how it almost eased the trembles off of his body. Almost allowed him to be certain he was protected by the barbed fangs, safe by the spurred force, despite his body squeezing out with a vile dizziness, that stained water seeping from the sponged texture of his muscles, as it told him he couldn't trust Minho to help him. That he had to step away, shift back, put a distance between them as he offered a quivered, "It's a nightmare."

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