37 ◈ Light is Calling

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Forewarning: Drama! Action!

For real though, some blood, some wounds, some injury

Minho was...


He hadn't spoken since they left the inside of that suffocating space.

He just, stood.

Standing with his arms folded over his chest and a pained expression tipped to the ground, focused on the pebbles beneath his feet while he drowned in his own unbreakable silence. A stillness encasing him. Wrapping bloodied hands on his arms, his chest, his body, Seungmin knew he could feel their phantoms gracing along his skin whenever he furrowed his eyebrows more. Whenever he flinched. Twitching to escape from the ghosts surrounding him while they waited outside that building. The human leaned against the collapsing walls as he observed Minho's back, staring somewhere far off. Far beneath the ground they stood on. Underneath the layers piled to cushion their step. Underneath the gravel, compacted dirt, mud, bedrock refusing to shatter from the weight it carried, he must have been search for something in those leaking cracks.

Leaking crevasses where light could spill through in proof their salvation existing. Their saving sanctuary from a never-ending night were true, somewhere far away. Somewhere far from here. Where the tumbling floors shifted, lifting one side high, topping cliffsifes sliding rocks to the trenches their shifting pieces formed. Where their opened gave way to the beams waiting for them at the end. He must have been looking for it in the silence of the night air, in the stillness of the vacant buildings crumbling around them like sand falling in an infinitesimal hourglass never shattering while the clocks dropped again and again, in the solace of his arms barricading him from the world. He must have been looking for something; Something beyond where they stood. Something they didn't quite understand as they were, waiting for a sight their pleads were heard.

Seungmin silently watched him.

Knowing all too well the feelings and thoughts which must have been tunneling through his mind. Barreling like a high-speed bullet train through an endless darkness without hope glimmering at the end; He couldn't trust those people he had come to believe were his friends, he couldn't trust in their words, their smiles, no matter how many nights he kept awake to ease their worries with soothing reassurances, those people turned on him. Bit deeply with their fangs into his outstretched hand offering a flickering of light to them in the midnight hours. Ripped his fingers. Tore his veins from his arms. Clawing, destroying the once unstoppable force of a man Seungmin had come to know over those five years. The insistence, that light was waiting. Light is calling. There was good in the world. There were people to love. People to trust. People to count on, rely on, believe in, understand, they would come to understand you as well.

Light is calling.

What a lie.

A lie the vampire learned as he stood quietly in the dark.

A lie Seungmin could never trust in, yet...

He understood the pain in Minho's eyes.



He felt it before too. They both had, they both experienced that gut-wrenching horror before. The night Jisung admitted to accessory to murder and Hyunjin revealed himself as the true masked monster he was. The same pain they felt under similar circumstances; A trusted friend, Jisung for Seungmin and Hyunjin for Minho, and the owner of their heart, Hyunjin for Seungmin and Jisung for Minho, not who they claimed to be. Not as the innocent swans they paraded themselves as, tried to facade themselves as. Now rebranded. Reissued. Back to their veins. Back to their minds. Back to their fearful little hearts, pathetically pounding that faint question, why?

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