47 ◈ Black Swan

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Before we begin, everyone kind of understands where Seungmin's mindset comes from, right? Beside him just being stupid.

We're gonna do something funky this chapter.

Forewarning: Uhhh...???????? Eerie??? Kind of unsettling conversation that we're listening in on.

The walk back was...


Seungmin ensured he stayed behind the two as they traveled along the back streets of that sleepless city. His gaze constantly shifting. Always watching them while he wanted to fall asleep there on the pavement, rot away to the cement pathways which became the headstones his body laid beneath, his name forever forgotten while he sunk into those oceanic waters filling his lungs with the thick stench of salt. Flipping his eyes from Jisung; Trailing up and down his back, keeping an eye on that same unusual lump protruding from the hem of his waistband hidden beneath the massive hoodie he dwarfed himself in, watching the bounce in his step, cheerful despite the grime of the world telling him he should be anything but. Watching Hyunjin; Hunched slightly in his posture, a fixed expression scrunching him up with a discomfort.

When either of them tried to approach him, Seungmin stepped back. Forced himself away, going rigid as he squared off to their insistence invading his space while he tried to burrow into his mind. Burrow deeply into those winding paths trailing up and down his thoughts, weaving through them as he tried to connect piece by piece the evidence they saw. Those four were the Mimic; They say they're trying to help him, but they've put him at risk; They've been killing delirious vampires, but why? Is revenge the only reason?; Hyunjin says he wasn't here to harm him; He kept the human safe; Yet those statements didn't feel right. None of this felt right.

There was still...

Still something.

Why was he kept alive when either side could have killed him, long ago? What is the purpose? Why did Hyunjin kept him in a warm embrace if he wanted to slaughter him? For his blood? But he had Jisung to feed off of, he wasn't the only blood supply around. Why did those four vampires allow him to sleep under Felix's roof unharmed if they were meant to murder him for his crimes? For the bites on his neck? Were they really trying to save him? If they were, why terrorize him as they had been doing? Why throw him into a hellscape which ripped his mind and his heart from his body without a flicker of remorse for his humanity being lost second by second, without caring all he wanted to do was shred his nails into their skin and pull them apart.

Was he still human? 


All he knew was that as his head hit the pillows of the hotel bed and he curled up atop the sheets, not bothering to throw his shoes or jacket off nor climb underneath the comforter to keep him held against the cold,

My head hurts.

That throbbing only making it harder to think.

He wanted to fall asleep.

He wanted to drift off.

And he wanted this nightmare to be over.

Nightmares which walked the earth.

Nightmares which walked in his mind.

Nightmares which walked the hotel room while he closed his eyes and became still against the sheets.

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