25 ◈ Act Normal

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"It's not coming out."

At the feathery voice meagerly managing to peer past the fluid flow of gushing water slick against a hollow porcelain, Seungmin fluttered his eyelid open. Leisurely, first the right, then the left. Attentive in not aggravating the abrasive seer chafing his eyes steadying against the timid spins on the top of the smooth hotel room ceiling, spotless, as if the surface above him was made from a stretched and tanned hide of skin. The looseness in his hinging joints cloudy. Fuzzy, stuffed with a stone cotton that inflated him like a mannequin against the mattress as he couldn't convince those plastic limbs to move against the weight. That same emptiness seeping up to the mild throb swarming his head. The mild dizziness that kept him deflated against the bed as the room around him rippled in waves.

Deep breaths. Inhales that inflated the clammy cold of his chest, exhale sinking his slowing heartbeat farther into the depths of his ribcage. Escaping into the unbroken atmosphere of the quiet room. Like smoke, particles of unprimed gray from stoked fires within his dried throat, scraping and serenading him as he tried to release the magnetic pull of his body into the mattress. The number tingling in his feet touching down on the carpet to announce his existence within the world. To root him against the versant tumbling of the blood rushing through his veins to light himself aflame once more. 

Seungmin forgot how well acquainted he was with this feeling.

Like a friend who had gone off, come back to visit him in his adult years. Now sitting with him. Legs crossed, and folded next to the head that tilted, lulling around past the daze swamping him to remember where he was. As if he was back in the dorm room, at the art academy, the arrogant tip of the boy he used to know with his arms folded and his lips quirked into a scoff,

"What? Can't you even handle this?"

That pretentious bastard mocked him,

"Jisung and Hyunjin were right."

A darkness tunneled in his eyes as he turned himself away from the ghosts of those haunting jeers. The black out gradually coming closer to him. Slowly, advancing it's assault, as he tried to ignore the unease quivers in his sweaty palms.

You are pathetic.

"I'll hide the towel somewhere when you leave," The human managed to choke out against the protesting scratch of his throat. Every word matched with a serrated blade scraping apart their syllables to cut them open, ruthlessly, not leaving a notion to spare from the slices. His mouth parched, his throat torrid, body too depleted from it's most vital fluid and abandoned weak for him to be completely comfortable with. Particularly with the company he kept, the vampire standing in the bathroom. As if his words alone would be enough to defend himself in lieu of the fragile wobble of his arms refusing to bundle up to fists in his twitching shakes, he swallowed down the dryness and rasped out, "We're not doing this again."

Elsewhere, he heard a fast hum of a note. Barely audible over the rushing water soaring by from the threshold of the adjacent bathroom.

Reluctantly, Seungmin pressed himself to sit up.

Only for a wave of nausea to hit him in full force. 

"Oh—" He groaned, carefully setting on the mattress as the dizziness slammed him back down, "No, okay—"

"Everything alright?" The vampire wondered in a timid hum. Speaking off in the distance from where Seungmin remained still, the voice barely meeting his eardrums over the vibrating rotations of the world keeping him down, a faint brush in the background of his mind rather than a forefront idea he needed to respond to. A shadow from the bathroom's light casting on the ceiling where the human vacantly stared up at announcing to him the other was moving. Shifting to him, maybe. Turning around from the sink he was washing the bloodied rag out in.

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