29 ◈ Breaking

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The ballpoint pen finished off the last of those never-ending words.

Bulletpoints on notes which recapped the last few weeks in Seungmin's mind on the open paper of the notebook folded awake as they sat under the same umbrella of the convenience store's outside bench. Not that anyone particularly needed the evidence listed out on paper with the frequency of their theorizing chatter, but the human knew his own thoughts would organize better on paper instead of being the jumbled mess they tangled up to be.

Two columns, listened two locations. Firstly, the nightclub. Seungmin's first encounter with the lurking shadow ending in a chase which Minho miraculously saved him from after he sent a text for help. The Mimic spoke as Jisung, matching the human's tone to an unsettling degree despite not matching the personality, and the outline which matched Minho's. The next time being when Hyunjin and him were chatting, followed the next night with the Mimic chasing them through the hallways. The Mimic who, despite Minho not being near any of them, didn't copy his voice to coerce them to open the door. The shadow which casted on the wall appearing starkly different from the lanky figure they had seen, and the built one which also appeared. Not to mention Minho's comment of tailing a Mimic. With the body types not matching up, and the lack of consistency towards voices the chances of more than one being involved was high.

Two being involved behind the Mimic's mask.

One which could Mimic voices,

One which couldn't.

The issue was telling the difference to who is who in the stark darkness.

Then the marina. Stalking through it in the fog with Jisung, only for Jisung to silently disappear and turn up once again with the Mimic attempting to drown him. Stating afterwards he bit the Mimic on the arm. Hyunjin following up with a comment of a hint of coffee in the marina. The scent of Changbin in the marina. Despite, earlier that week Seungmin confirmed to himself that Changbin didn't have bite marks on his arms. If the human bit him hard enough to draw blood which he later washed off, there would be signs of a struggle.

Which, Seungmin figured meant one of three things;

1. Jisung did in fact bite Changbin and he didn't see the mark.

2. Jisung bit someone else who should have the teeth marks on their arms, which wouldn't explain why Hyunjin smelled coffee.

3. Jisung didn't bite anyone and the blood was from another source. Hyunjin stating there was the scent of blood in the marina and claiming it to be coffee was mistaken.

But that last theory sent chills through Seungmin's spine. He scribbled it out from the notebook page and continued on to unpacking the most recent night.

Aside from Minho and Jisung's constant quips flying toward one another like thrown daggers attempting to draw blood from the other, ignoring the strange insistence of the infamous duo that Minho was off and the human almost believing them, the decent sized yacht had a marking on it. The Naberius seal, looked to be premeditated in it's carved structure. A sigil, meant to invoke demons in the mysticism of demonology. Meant to invoke Naberius. To summon the demon from it's throne in hell. A purposeful call out to the two wandering the marina alongside the two detectives. The empty freezer locked inside the cargo hold of the yacht with an address messily stuck to it's side, the shadow which followed shortly after them, mimicking Seungmin. Seungmin's own voice came from that wandering shadow as they leaped from the railings.

Not to mention the addition of the university student being delirious before his death. Not the delirium being force to caused his death, as Hyunjin suggested.

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